Competitiveness or complementarity: Analysis of agricultural trade between China and Brazil
Article InfoVolume 19 2021, Issue #4, pp. 258-269
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The competitiveness and complementarity of trade reflect the advantages and disadvantages of exports and future trade trends. After China joined the WTO, the import and export volume of agricultural products has increased significantly, but the import volume and import growth rate have greatly exceeded the export volume and export growth rate. China is the world’s largest importer of agricultural products, and Brazil has become the world’s largest exporter of agricultural products. As a country with the largest increase in agricultural exports, China and Brazil have close agricultural trade exchanges. China has become Brazil’s largest importer of agricultural products for four consecutive years. In addition, both China and Brazil are BRIC countries; therefore, the establishment of a cooperation mechanism is more conducive to the development of agricultural trade. This study uses quantitative research methods to investigate the agricultural trade between China and Brazil by calculating the revealed comparative advantage index, trade complementarity index, and trade intensity index. The study found that due to the different endowments of agricultural resources and the significant differences in agricultural structure, China and Brazil’s agricultural trade competitiveness is weak and they are highly complementary. The main agricultural products exported by China are labor-intensive processed products (pulp and waste paper, textile fibers, vegetables and fruits), and the main agricultural products exported by Brazil are land-intensive products (oilseeds and oily fruits, vegetable oils, raw hides and furs). Complementary advantages in agricultural trade were analyzed. In the future, the two countries have huge potential for cooperation and development.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D41, F14, Q13
- Table 1. SITC classification of agricultural products
- Table 2. Revealed comparative advantage index of China and Brazil’s agricultural exports
- Table 3. Top ten agricultural products traded between China and Brazil from 2010 to 2019
- Table 4. China and Brazil’s agricultural trade complementarity index
- Table 5. Similarity index of agricultural export between China and Brazil and their main export markets
- Table 6. China and Brazil’s agricultural trade intensity index
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