Commitment: a ‘contagious’ feeling between employees and customers in banking sector
Article InfoVolume 1 2017, Issue #2, pp. 13-20
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This present paper tries to investigate relationship between dimensions of organizational commitment (OC) and brand commitment (BC) based on Allen and Meyer (1990) theory: affective, continuous and normative commitment.
Population (443 people) of the present study included employees and customers from the same bank. Data collecting tool was two questionnaires, which were distributed among employees and customers. Data was analyzed with SEM to show the existing correlations. Results showed there is a moderated (0,424) relationship between OC and BC. Results confirm interpersonal exchange is a key concept in relationship management, in particular in services industry.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, M50
- Figure. 1. Detailed research model
- Figure 2. Conceptual model on SmartPLS (unit №9)
- Table 1: Convergent validity (consistency) for the 4 units
- Table 2: Hypotheses validation for unit 5
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