Assessment of the development of innovation activities in the regions: Case of Ukraine

  • Received June 10, 2021;
    Accepted October 6, 2021;
    Published October 18, 2021
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 19 2021, Issue #4, pp. 77-88
  • Cited by
    5 articles

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The development of innovation activities is of great importance on the path to achieving the goals of sustainable development. Success on this path is closely related to the presence of comparable information on the development of innovation activities at the regional level. The aim of the paper is to assess the development of innovation activities in the regions of Ukraine and identify differences in results. The study is performed using relative indicators for the assessment of the development of innovation activities in the regions of Ukraine. The indicators were averaged and normalized. To analyze how innovation activities change over time, the dynamic indices based on the geometric mean of the growth rate of the relative indicators were used. The obtained results have significant differences in the regions being assessed. Most regions have a heterogeneous development of innovation activities. At the same time, they are at the top and bottom of the rankings of the regions in different indicators of the development of innovation activities. Only Cherkasy and Zaporizhzhia oblasts are at the top of the rankings in at least 75% of indicators. However, in 2017‒2019, all indicators improved in at least 29% of regions. In addition, 75% of indicators improved in at least 54% of regions. Therefore, over time, most regions progressed in the development of innovation activities. Management decisions for the development of innovation activities should be complex for all regions and implemented primarily in the regions where there is no improvement over time.

The paper is prepared within the scientific research project “Sustainable development and resource security: from disruptive technologies to digital transformation of Ukrainian economy” (No. 0121U100470).

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    • Table 1. Results of calculation of indicators II by regions of Ukraine, 2017‒2019
    • Table 2. Results of calculation of indicators IP by regions of Ukraine, 2017‒2019
    • Table 3. Results of calculation of indicators IE by regions of Ukraine, 2017‒2019
    • Table 4. Results of calculation of indicators IS by regions of Ukraine, 2017‒2019
    • Table 5. Average values of indicators II, IP, and for them, the values of indicators CI by regions of Ukraine, 2017–2019
    • Table 6. Average values of indicators IE, IS, and for them, the values of indicators CI by regions of Ukraine, 2017–2019
    • Table 7. Results of calculating dynamic indices iI and iP by regions of Ukraine, 2017–2019
    • Table 8. Results of calculating dynamic indices iE and iS by regions of Ukraine, 2017–2019
    • Conceptualization
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko
    • Data curation
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko
    • Formal Analysis
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko
    • Funding acquisition
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko, Yevhen Kovalenko, Tetiana Kurman, Vitalii Omelianenko
    • Investigation
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko, Yevhen Kovalenko, Tetiana Kurman, Vitalii Omelianenko
    • Methodology
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko
    • Resources
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko, Yevhen Kovalenko, Tetiana Kurman, Vitalii Omelianenko
    • Software
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko, Yevhen Kovalenko, Tetiana Kurman, Vitalii Omelianenko
    • Supervision
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko
    • Validation
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko, Yevhen Kovalenko, Tetiana Kurman, Vitalii Omelianenko
    • Visualization
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko, Yevhen Kovalenko, Tetiana Kurman, Vitalii Omelianenko
    • Writing – original draft
      Pavlo Hrytsenko, Viacheslav Voronenko
    • Project administration
      Viacheslav Voronenko
    • Writing – review & editing
      Viacheslav Voronenko