Assessing the existence of synergistic effect in the consolidated accounting entities in the Czech Republic
Article InfoVolume 15 2018, Issue #2, pp. 305-316
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
The objective of the research was to identify possible positive synergistic effect of concerns. Because of the advantages of the existence of consolidated financial statements, the focus is on the Czech consolidated groups.
Consolidated financial statements of 719 groups of accounting entities – concerns in the Czech Republic were studied, i.e., the statistical population consisted of 719 reporting units, which can be considered as the total population of all published consolidated financial statements. Following economic indicators were analyzed to discover the existence of positive synergistic effect: cash position ratio, return on equity, return on sales.
Based on the research, it the authors concluded that return on equity revealed dependency between change in the value of the indicator of the parent company and consolidated unit. Values of this indicator are interesting from the investment point of view. They confirm success of capital acquisitions.
Cash ratio monitoring revealed an inconsistent environment, unambiguous data correlation between the group data and the individual financial statements of the parent companies.
Return on sales indicator showed that consolidated groups had reached higher values of the indicator, i.e., lower total cost ratio than parent companies. Data correlation was found at the low level, i.e., the parent companies did not influence consolidated data.
Acquisition companies in the Czech Republic in the period 2008–2013 generated positive financial synergy. For financial indicator of return on equity, dependence between consolidated groups and parent companies was confirmed. Positive financial synergy was found out for all monitored financial indicators.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G34
- Figure 1. Distribution of consolidated economic entities per industries (2013)
- Figure 2. Statistical values of the ROE indicator over the time
- Figure 3. Statistical values of cash position ratio indicator
- Figure 4. Return on sales (ROS)
- Table 1. Sources of change in value and method of performance processes to differentiate the term “synergy”
- Table 2. Statistical values of ROE
- Table 3. Statistical values of cash position ratio indicator (CPRI)
- Table 4. Return on sales (ROS)
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