Analysis of the approaches to evaluate environmental security of enterprises
Article InfoVolume 17 2018, issue #4, pp. 13-19
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Proved that to achieve socio-economic development of state it is necessary to ensure not only invarionmental security of state, but also of enterprise. There are a sufficiently large number of methods to evaluate the economic and ecological security of enterprise and, at the same time, there aren’t any practical methods to evaluate its environmental security. This confirms the necessity to analyse this issue in a more detailed way. The aim of the article is to analyse and identify the drawbacks of existing methods to evaluate the environmental security of enterprise and develop a system of indicators for environmental security of industrial enterprises. The following research methods were used in the article: method of analysis and synthesis to determine the drawbacks of existing methods to establish the level of environmental security, the graph analytic method to build a scheme of the process to develop the system of indicators for environmental security of industrial enterprise. It is determined that the process to develop the system of indicators for environmental security of industrial enterprise is a process of successive stages of determining the purpose and tasks to diagnose the state of environmental security of industrial enterprise, to select and process the necessary information and, directly, to develop a system of indicators of environmental security of industrial enterprise. The practical significance of this study is to determine the level of environmental security of industrial enterprise as an integral indicator. Its core is a set of social and economic, technical and technological, scientific and innovative, managerial and organizational indicators which have to account the criteria related to the external and internal environment of the enterprise activity. The proposed process to develop the system of indicators for environmental security of industrial enterprise allows determining the level of environmental security.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)О10, О11, О50
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