A practical study on evaluation of sales and service potential in distributing the industrial products (case study: regions in Ukraine)
Article InfoVolume 13 2017, Issue #4, pp. 6-16
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The article covers the study of sales and service potential of Ukrainian regions in distributing the industrial products. Using the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the statistical analysis of key indicators of sales and service potential is provided. The analysis of indicators’ dynamics in 2010–2015 shows the stability or insignificant increase in almost all regions. Based on ranking results of Ukrainian regions for sales and service potential, the five-zone matrix of potential is formed. The evaluations show that Kyiv (city), Dnipropetrovsk and Donetsk regions can be defined as leaders, and Chernivtsi and Ternopil regions can be defined as outsiders. High concentration of regions in pessimistic zones of the five-zone matrix of potential indicates the crisis processes in the country. This also defines the high degree of regional disparities and contradictions in service and sales activities in Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O10, P25, R11
- Fig. 1. The GRP by region in 2010–2015, million UAH at actual prices (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 2. The output of products and services in Ukrainian regions in 2010–2015, million UAH at actual prices (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 3. The GRP per capita by region in 2010–2015, UAH million (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 4. The sales volume for industrial products (goods, services) by region in 2010–2015, million UAH (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 5. The per capita sales volume for industrial products (goods, services) by region in 2010–2015, million UAH (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 6. The retail trade turnover by region in 2010–2015, million UAH (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 7. The wholesale trade turnover by region in 2010–2015, million UAH (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 8. The number of enterprises by region in 2010–2015, units (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 9. The number of industrial enterprises by region in 2010–2015, units (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 10. The number of services sector enterprises by region in 2010–2015, units (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 11. The sales volume of services sector enterprises by regions in 2010–2015, million UAH (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 12. The volume of services sold by the services sector enterprises to enterprises by regions in 2010–2015, million UAH (based on data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine)
- Fig. 13. The matrix of regions’ sales and service potentials
- Table 1. The average values of sales potential indicators and ranking by region in 2010–2015* (developed by the author)
- Table 2. The average values of service potential indicators and ranking by region in 2010–2015* (developed by the author)
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