Viktor Trynchuk
3 publications
0 books
Management of visual communications in insurance companies (on the example of using icons in logos)
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 15, 2017 Issue #2 (cont. 2) pp. 319-331
Views: 1712 Downloads: 4515 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThis article is devoted to the study of insurance business development in Ukraine and Russia in the late XIX – early XXI centuries, generation and identification of special aspects of formation and use of sacred art elements in corporate identity of insurance companies.
The purpose of this article is to discuss the concept of management of visual communications in insurance companies, an important component of which is the formation and development of brands in the insurance market, which include elements of sacred art.
Corporate identity gives insurers a new methodology for managing marketing communications. The author proves the corporate identity of insurance companies and its place in the system of marketing communications. Due attention is paid to corporate identity of National Joint-Stock Insurance Company “Oranta” (Ukraine), Insurance LLC “Oranta” (Russia) and Insurance Company “Rossiya” (Russia). There are given examples of the use of Orans (Oranta) and the Burning Bush icons inscriptions in corporate identity of insurance companies. The author describes icons in corporate identity of insurance companies and definitely their role in the communication process. Conflict situations over the use of the Orans brand in Ukraine are analyzed. The need to be careful enough in using sacred symbols in the corporate style of insurance companies is emphasized. Evolution of the logo insurance companies is presented.
Examples of integrating corporate identity into the strategy and tactics of insurance companies are shown. -
Establishment and development of insurance supervision in Russia and Ukraine: retrospective review
Insurance Markets and Companies Volume 8, 2017 Issue #1 pp. 48-58
Views: 962 Downloads: 262 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe article considers main historical stages of the establishment and development of insurance supervision system in Russia and Ukraine. The objective necessity and the essence of state regulation of insurance business, its basic directions and methods providing a combination of interests of policyholders, the state and insurance companies are revealed. Attention is paid to the tendencies of content convergence and insurance supervision in many countries as well as regulation of the insurance markets development. The changes and the implementation of the control and supervision function in the insurance field in recent history, the risks of tightening the regulatory regime are considered. The need to introduce effective regulatory and supervisory practices in insurance by the Russian megaregulator (Bank of Russia) and the National Financial Service of Ukraine is shown.
Experience marketing and its tools in promoting the insurance services
Pavlo Horyslavets, Mariia Plonka , Viktor Trynchuk
Economic development is rapidly growing. In the late 20th century, the experience economy is gaining in importance. When choosing a particular product or service, the priority is given to that impressing the buyer at the psychological level and causing some feelings and emotions. The urgency of this article is due to the need for a more detailed study of the marketing processes development in the current context. The principles of the experience economy formation are considered, and four sectors of impressions are also clarified. The article researches and systematizes scientific views on the experience marketing – a new direction of the relationship between the insurance brand and real and potential consumers of insurance products, and considers how its tools can be implemented. The essence of the experience marketing concept is defined. The article analyzes the experience marketing instruments – the event communication of insurance companies, the peculiarities of the insurance museums operated in different countries of the world. Particular attention is paid to event marketing as an effective tool for advancing insurance services.
The role of universities in disseminating the social responsibility practices of insurance companies
Viktor Trynchuk, Inna Khovrak
, Robert Dankiewicz
, Anna Ostrowska-Dankiewicz
, Anna Chushak-Holoborodko
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 17, 2019 Issue #2 pp. 449-461
Views: 1248 Downloads: 138 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe desire and ability to apply the concept of social responsibility is directly proportional to a culture that is formed due to the relevant knowledge, skills and qualifications. It is believed that university education is able to interest future owners, experts and clients of insurance companies in running socially responsible activities.
The purpose of the study is to determine the role of universities in disseminating the social responsibility practices in the insurance sector.
The main method of research is the survey conducted among 536 full-time students-financiers at domestic universities in September and October 2018. This method allowed to identify peculiarities of students’ perception of the social responsibility concept in the insurance sector of Ukraine. The case study method was also applied to reflect the social responsibility practices used by domestic insurance companies.
As a result of the combination of the methods proposed, the low level of students’ knowledge of social responsibility in the insurance sector and the low interest of insurance companies as compared to foreign insurance companies have been shown. That is why, in the process of training, it is important for universities to focus on the proper world-view positions and value orientations, dialog and ethical cooperation that will enhance the professional training of students and develop modern professional competence among them that will meet international practices and requirements. -
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the due payments of Polish entreprises from selected industries
Robert Dankiewicz, Bartłomiej Balawejder
, Tomasz Tomczyk
, Viktor Trynchuk
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 18, 2021 Issue #2 pp. 144-154
Views: 1055 Downloads: 349 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic has undoubtedly caused many perturbations, at the same time hindering the functioning and operation of enterprises from various industries, which, due to the often inability to conduct business, found themselves in a very difficult financial situation, with a difficult ability to settle their liabilities. Too high share of receivables that are not settled in a timely manner can result in various problems for enterprises, including, in particular, financial problems that can lead to large-scale bankruptcy. Considering a huge number of connections between individual entities, the bankruptcy of one may pose a risk of a wave of bankruptcy of others. The paper aims to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the payment situation of Polish enterprises. The research was conducted on the basis of an analysis of data on the payment situation of Polish enterprises from selected industries. Basic descriptive statistics was used in the study to characterize the material. The non-parametric Wilcoxon pair order test, which is the equivalent of the Student’s t-test for related variables, was used for the research. The research proved that at enterprises from almost every industry, the value of debts at the end of the second quarter of 2020 was higher than in the first quarter. It can therefore be concluded that the outbreak of the pandemic contributed to an increase in arrears, which, in turn, resulted in an increased risk of doing business. The greater the share of arrears with contractors, the greater the risk of financial problems at the enterprise, and hence the increased risk of bankruptcy.
The peculiarities of establishing the charter air transportation: European experience in Ukraine
Tetyana Prymak, Liubov Ivchenko
, Nataliia Pohuda
, Valentyna Levchenko
, Viktor Trynchuk
This paper highlights the problems associated with the poor quality of services and the lack of effective marketing interaction between all the participants of the charter air transportation in the tourist summer season of 2018 in Ukraine. The paper aims to develop an algorithm for the actions of all participants of tourist services market in order to establish effective marketing interaction based on the analysis of the reasons influencing the destabilization of the tourist services market in the field of charter air transportation. Flight delay statistics were selected for June-July 2018 due to the fact that it was during this period that the problem manifested itself especially sharply. So, not time-series data, but cross-sectional data were selected for the analysis of the problem cause. At the same time, for confident conclusions about the increase in passenger traffic, 5-year periods were chosen, namely, the period 2014–2018 was compared with the period 2009–2013. During the research, statistical methods of one-factor linear correlation-regression analysis were used, as well as a comparative analysis of the indicators of the charter air transportation participants’ performance in Ukraine. The analysis of charter air transportation market showed that increasing the age of the aircraft in a year leads to a decrease in the proportion of timely flights by 2.5%. The marketing analysis proves that the rapid increase in the number of passengers was caused by the explosive increase in irregular flights. The results of the study also indicate that the well-organized interaction between the tour operator and the airlines significantly affects the timeliness of the flights. Based on defined problems of the charter air transportation market, a set of recommendations has been proposed for improving the marketing interaction of all market participants: tourists, tour operators, airlines and government agencies.
Retirement behavior strategies: the attitudes of students from Poland and Ukraine towards the old-age risk
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 18, 2020 Issue #2 pp. 350-365
Views: 1087 Downloads: 181 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯDigitalization and technological advancement, referred to as the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0), results not only in technological innovation but also in the changes in society and public awareness. One such tendency is the demographic aging, which implicates two concerns: the instability of the public pension systems and the social awareness related with the risk of major reduction of benefits in contrast to the expectations and the need for the additional private pension security. The research has aimed to identify the opinions and attitudes of the students from Poland and Ukraine in respect to the broadly understood issues of the old age security, as well as to recognize the prospective differences in this field between the researched populations. The relevant research was conducted using the PAPI method in the years 2018–2019. Within the framework of the research, nine specific hypotheses were presented concerning the attitudes towards the selected aspects of the pension schemes and old-age security. The results were compiled in the form of the semantic differential, and the Mann-Whitney U test was utilized to verify the significance of the differences in the distribution of the answers given by the students. Those served as the basis for formulating the conclusions regarding similarities and differences in the opinions expressed by young people studied populations.
This project has been financed by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the “Regional Initiative of Excellence” Programme for 2019–2022. Project No. 021/RID/2018/19. Total project budget: PLN 11 897 131,40.
- bankruptcy risk
- brand
- brand management
- charter air transportation
- corporate culture
- corporate identity
- culture of social responsibility
- due payments
- emotional marketing instruments
- experience economy
- experience marketing
- financial education
- financial problems
- flight delay
- history of financial institutions
- icon of Our Lady “The Burning Bush”
- insurance company
- insurance markets
- insurance monopoly
- insurance services promotion
- insurance supervision
- management of visual communications
- marketing
- marketing interaction
- megaregulator
- old-age risk
- pension strategies
- pension system
- public and private pensions
- quality of services
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