Experience marketing and its tools in promoting the insurance services
Article InfoVolume 14 2018, Issue #1, pp. 41-48
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Economic development is rapidly growing. In the late 20th century, the experience economy is gaining in importance. When choosing a particular product or service, the priority is given to that impressing the buyer at the psychological level and causing some feelings and emotions. The urgency of this article is due to the need for a more detailed study of the marketing processes development in the current context. The principles of the experience economy formation are considered, and four sectors of impressions are also clarified. The article researches and systematizes scientific views on the experience marketing – a new direction of the relationship between the insurance brand and real and potential consumers of insurance products, and considers how its tools can be implemented. The essence of the experience marketing concept is defined. The article analyzes the experience marketing instruments – the event communication of insurance companies, the peculiarities of the insurance museums operated in different countries of the world. Particular attention is paid to event marketing as an effective tool for advancing insurance services.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G22, G40, M31, M37
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- Table 2. Insurance museums in different countries
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