Ivan Berezhniuk
1 publications
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Efficiency assessment of banking systems’ performance
Maxim Korneyev, Ivan Berezhniuk
, Volodymyr Dzhyndzhoian
, Natalia Nebaba
, Sergiy Voytov
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/bbs.17(3).2022.07
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 17, 2022 Issue #3 pp. 72-88
Views: 586 Downloads: 224 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯGlobalization processes define the modern trends in world economic development, including both international financial markets and the banking systems of different countries. The study aims to evaluate the efficiency of the banking systems of Ukraine and 17 European countries in order to choose the appropriate measures, concerning its increasing. The Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) was chosen as a tool for evaluating the efficiency of the banking systems; the calculations were made using the Banxia Frontier Analyst software. Also, the BBC and CCR models of linear programming were used to define the existing relationship between the studied indicators. As a result of the study, the groups of efficient and inefficient banking systems were identified, which allowed determining the existing reserves, possible managerial tools and decisions for improving the inefficient banking systems’ performance. Besides, graphical interpretation of the current position (rank) of certain country bank system in relation to other countries’ banking systems was presented. The developed approach is aimed at improving bank management at the macro level and enhancing the efficiency of banking systems.
Business marketing activities in Ukraine during wartime
Maxim Korneyev, Ivan Berezhniuk
, Volodymyr Dzhyndzhoian
, Tatiana Kubakh
, Kostiantyn Horb
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.21511/im.18(3).2022.05
The war in Ukraine dealt a crushing blow to the country’s economy. The relevance of the topic is due to the marketing ability to be an effective tool for restoring and developing business in Ukraine. The paper aims to define the state and prospects for developing business and its marketing component during the war in Ukraine. The research analysis demonstrates that the share of business representatives who completely or partially ceased their activities during the first three months of the war decreased from 75.3% in March to 49.0% in May (compared to February 24, 2022), which is indicative of the gradual resumption of business in Ukraine. At the same time, it was found that in May 2022, the food retail, non-food retail, household appliances, and electronics sectors partially resumed their work. The best renewal rates are observed in the jewelry sector, and the worst – in the entertainment sector. A study of marketing activities in Ukraine shows that the most positive changes regarding gradual renewal are observed in digital marketing. The paper highlights the key consequences of hostilities for Ukrainian business and its marketing activities: supply chain disruption, reduced purchasing power, changes in consumer demand, stockpiling, and a state of uncertainty among business representatives. In addition, the study offers general approaches to adapting marketing and SMM during the war to preserve, restore, and further develop business in Ukraine.
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