Borys Yazlyuk
3 publications
0 books
Basic principles of financial markets regulation and legal aspects of the legislative requirements
Borys Yazlyuk, Anatoliy Guley
, Ruslan Brukhanskyi
, Hanna Shovkoplias
, Tetiana Shvydka
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #1 pp. 337-349
Views: 1551 Downloads: 210 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯFinancial services market (FSM) is one of the effective mechanisms for ensuring the competitiveness of the country’s economy. It is precisely because of its ability to direct investment flows into the most attractive segments of the economy, and the FSM development can contribute to economic growth. Accordingly, today it is important to strengthen the financial services market in Ukraine. For this purpose, it is necessary to study the current state, identify problems and determine the main directions of its development in a timely manner.
The article investigates the financial services market in Ukraine, which is unstable, characterized by a significant outflow of financial resources, and underdeveloped financial intermediaries. FSM deterioration was also influenced by factors such as: financial crisis, sharp exchange rate fluctuations, military conflict, decline of the country’s economy, etc. Negative consequences of the events in the country were reflected even in a quite developed banking system. The focus is on the lack of financial culture in society, which is due to low deposit activity, high level of non-repayment of loans, lack of confidence in the new tools, and the introduction of new products in the financial services market. However, the development of the country as a whole is impossible without a strong financial services market.
It is noted that one of the important conditions for the FSM development and the effectiveness of macroeconomic tasks entrusted to it is the formation of an effective mechanism of the financial market state regulation. Such a mechanism should include both elements of state regulation and self-regulation of the financial services market. Accordingly, the formation of indicators aimed at assessing the impact of state regulation on the development of the financial services market becomes relevant.
The article examines the implementation of state regulation in financial services markets, analyzes the activity of the FSM state regulation in Ukraine and the control function effectiveness, considers the dynamics of the main indicators of the financial services markets development in Ukraine, and analyzes the level of financial services markets development. -
Prospects for use of coaching in Ukrainian banks
Vasyl Brych, Borys Yazlyuk
, Saak Hudratian , Khrystyna Snihur , Liudmyla Dermanska
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 13, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 116-129
Views: 1310 Downloads: 213 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯEach bank manager should understand that the use of modern personnel management technologies is essential to motivate employees to work efficiently. Coaching is one of the ways to influence employees, it focuses on the formation of employee behavior in such a way as to maximize the independence and effectiveness of the decisions taken. To date, this kind of personnel management is becoming more relevant and significant. The purpose of the study is to determine the methods of coaching and its algorithm in personnel management, the possibility of borrowing the foreign companies experience, as well as its effective use as an innovative approach to personnel management. Scientific findings of leading scholars in personnel management, especially coaching, make the theoretical basis of the research. The research uses the methods of analysis, synthesis and comparison. The article describes the category of “coaching”, defines its main characteristics, functions and tasks, examines the use of coaching in the Coaching Policy on the Central Bank of Ireland, analyzes the current implementation of coaching in Ukrainian banks and rationalizes the relevance and prospects for using coaching by Ukrainian banks.
Effective land management in Ukraine using accounting and analytical support
Ruslan F. Brukhanskyi, Borys Yazlyuk
, Tetiana A. Bincharovska doi:
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #2 pp. 241-251
Views: 1075 Downloads: 199 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯUnique nature of land resources determines the specifics of constructing a land management and registration system, which includes accumulation, systematization, processing and analysis of economic information about their quantitative, qualitative, monetary and legal data in the state. The economic, social, and ecological safety of the state and living standards of the population depend on the effective land use. Consequently, there is a need for continuous improvement of the regulatory and legislative framework, development of a methodology for land registration and fixing land accounting operations. The article deals with the current state and problems of the development of synthetic and analytical registration of land resources in Ukraine. The variability of the representation of land relations in the accounting system is also considered. The current system of agricultural land registration in Ukraine does not allow to reflect the full range of characteristics of land plots for external and internal users in order to profit and increase the investment attractiveness of enterprises. It is established that reliable and accurate assessment and registration of land plots have significant influence on the agricultural enterprise position.
New workplace forecasting in the industrial sector of the Ukrainian economy
Svitlana Kozhemiakina, Andrii Cherkasov
, Nadiia Reznik
, Borys Yazlyuk
, Olena Zhuravka
, Sergij Mazurov
Problems and Perspectives in Management Volume 16, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 384-394
Views: 1159 Downloads: 143 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯCreating new workplaces and modernizing the existing ones to provide appropriate and highly-efficient employment of able-bodied citizens is one of the most acute economic and social issues at the current stage of development in Ukraine.
The article deals with the problems of creating new workplaces in the Ukrainian industrial sector, considers the main tendencies and suggests approaches to partially solve problems coming from the development of the workplace creation factors in order to increase workplace efficiency and its technological capacity.
The model of the number of new workplaces dependence on the impact factors system (labor, capital, research and technology developments, management quality) was developed using 19 one-factor and multi-factor equations, among which six most relevant were selected for industry as a whole and five for the processing industry.
The calculations, according to the proposed model, have shown a tendency of increasing the number of new workplaces both in industry in general and in the processing industry in particular. However, there are decreasing tendencies of the growth rate. This can be explained by the fact of the labor productivity increasing, as well as decreasing tendency in the need for new workplaces in order to restore the pre-crisis rate of production.
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