Strategic management controlling system and its importance for SMEs in the EU
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #3, pp. 362-372
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The current hyper-competitive environment offers many great opportunities for small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), but on the other hand, this business environment is also hazardous. SMEs are a significant economic power and employer in the European Union. Their competitiveness and long-term stability are a crucial factor for European cohesion and economic growth. The research aim is to design a strategic management controlling system that should be implemented to SMEs and be useful for their long-term future development. The study was conducted in 2017–2020 based on data from 403 SMEs. The PAPI method was used to collect data. The implications between defined variables controlling, ROA, turnover, financial analysis, and strategic management were explained, and the results obtained from an in-depth analysis were indicated. The research was concluded by a model of strategic management controlling system tested by experimental in-practice implementation on SMEs and verified. The model and the research findings are suitable for business practice and should support the long-term stability and development of SMEs.
The paper has been prepared within the project “Risk Management in Industry 4.0” (7427/2019/02 IGA VŠFS) using the objective oriented support for specific university research of the University of Finance and Administration.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M21, M30, M40
- Figure 1. Operative and strategic controlling implementation at the surveyed SMEs
- Table 1. Pearson correlation analysis
- Table 2. Model construction, dependent variable Strategic management
- Table 3. Model summary
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