Determinants of consumer retention strategies for telecom service industry in Central India
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #2, pp. 306-320
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The telecommunication industry has witnessed a tremendous growth in recent times in India. It has not only been limited to voice calls, but also integrated into every aspect of human life. This has resulted in the rapid rise of market players, offering innovative products and services. In this changing scenario, we have tried to design and check a model of various factors such as loyalty, satisfaction and switching barriers (customer relationship management, alternative attractiveness and switching cost) influencing consumer retention strategies in Indian telecom service industry.
A structured and undisguised questionnaire and a convenient sampling method have been used to collect the data from respondents from three most populous cities (Indore, Bhopal, and Ujjain) of Central India. Around 450 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 318 usable responses were received for final analysis. The instrument was checked for validity and reliability before the data was analyzed. The hypotheses were tested through Structure Equation Modelling (SEM) for direct effect, and Multiple Moderating Regression Analysis (MMRA) for moderating effect.
The results suggested that loyalty, satisfaction, switching barriers and customer relationship management are positively related and have a direct influence on consumer retention, but the relationship with alternative attractiveness has been found weak. Switching cost, as moderating variable, was found to be very effective and showed significant deviation in the relationship between independent and dependent variables.
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JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31
- Figure 1. Proposed model of a determinant of consumer retention strategies
- Figure 2. Structured model of a determinant of consumer retention strategies
- Table 1. Reliability analysis
- Table 2. Convergent and discriminate validity
- Table 3. Index of the model fit
- Table 4. Hypotheses testing results
- Table 5. Moderating effect
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