Issue #4 (Volume 5 2008)
How to predict preferences for new items
Volker SchlechtInvestment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 483 Downloads: 155 TO CITE -
The performance of pension funds: the case of Italy
Angela GalloInvestment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 526 Downloads: 206 TO CITE -
The application of cash pooling into business practice - ČEZ Group
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 444 Downloads: 305 TO CITE -
Persistence of size and value premia and the robustness of the Fama-French three-factor model in the Hong Kong stock market
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 458 Downloads: 139 TO CITE -
The post-issue operating performance of IPOs in an emerging market: evidence from Istanbul Stock Exchange
Ahmet Kurtaran , Bünyamin ErInvestment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 492 Downloads: 213 TO CITE -
Do retail investors and institutions pay the same spread?
Michel T.J. RakotomavoInvestment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 463 Downloads: 125 TO CITE
Ownership structure, regulation, and bank risk-taking: evidence from Korean banking industry
Seok Weon LeeInvestment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 393 Downloads: 265 TO CITE -
Credit Risk, Credit Derivatives and Firm Value Based Models
Willi Semmler , Lucas Bernard , Michael RobertInvestment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 482 Downloads: 222 TO CITE -
Is the home bias in equities and bonds declining in Europe?
Dirk Schoenmaker , Thijs BoschInvestment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 454 Downloads: 193 TO CITE -
Asymmetric dynamics in current account - interest rate nexus: evidence from Asian countries
Emmanuel Anoruo , Uchenna ElikeInvestment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 509 Downloads: 134 TO CITE -
GARCH option-pricing model with analytical solution when interest rate and risk premium change randomly
Noureddine Lahouel , Mokhtar KoukiInvestment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 510 Downloads: 314 TO CITE -
Foreign direct investment and macroeconomic changes in CEE integrating into the global market
Lucyna KorneckiInvestment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 5, 2008 Issue #4
Views: 383 Downloads: 209 TO CITE
Investment Management and Financial Innovations