The impact of corporate social responsibility on financial performance
Published September 23, 2016
- Author(s)
Article InfoVolume 13 2016, Issue #3 (cont. 1), pp. 171-182
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This study investigates whether corporate social responsibility (CSR) affects the financial performance of the United States (US) companies. In particular, the impact of CSR on financial performance is investigated in terms of involvement in socially responsible initiatives instead of outcome. The Environmental, Social and Governance disclosure score as calculated by Bloomberg is used as a proxy for corporate involvement in socially responsible initiatives. Fixed effects regression is employed to estimate the relationship between the extent of corporate social disclosure (CSD) and financial performance using the data of listed companies on the Standard & Poor’s 500 during the period 2009-2013. The results suggest that the involvement in socially responsible initiatives has a significantly positive effect on financial performance. In addition, the control variables, such as total compensation to directors, CEO duality and women presence on board are statistically significant to financial performance. It is important to incorporate a longer period in order to validate the positive relationship between CSR and financial performance, whilst the sample is focused on large in size US companies. This study chose to approach the topic from a different angle in order to provide an alternate perspective on this issue taking into account the involvement of socially responsible initiatives via CSD.
Keywords: corporate social responsibility, disclosure, financial performance.
JEL Classification: M140, M410, Q00