Implementation of strategic analysis methods to choose a development strategy for the enterprise’s foreign economic activity


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The article considers stages and methods of strategic management of the enterprise’s foreign economic activity. PEST analysis, SWOT analysis and SPACE analysis of foreign economic activity are used on the basis of a particular enterprise. PEST analysis has highlighted political and legal, economic, social and technological factors influencing the foreign economic activity of the analyzed enterprise. SWOT analysis has allowed identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the enterprise. SPACE analysis has revealed that in the absence of growth in the services market, the use of a strategy for the enterprise diversification is acceptable. This strategy involves the creation and development of new services. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the activity of the enterprise in the international economic environment.

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    • Figure 1. Types of strategies for the enterprise FEA development
    • Figure 2. Stages of modeling and implementing the enterprise FEA development strategy
    • Table 1. Methods of strategic analysis of the enterprise’s foreign economic activity
    • Table 2. Sigma Software development history
    • Table 3. PEST analysis matrix for Sigma Software
    • Table 4. Sigma Software opportunity matrix in the international market
    • Table 5. Sigma Software threat matrix
    • Table 6. SWOT analysis matrix for Sigma Software
    • Table 7. The results of estimation of Sigma Software economic activity in the international market using the SPACE method