Why non-Muslims choose Islamic banking. Extended theory of planned behavior: a moderating factor of Islamic bank knowledge
Received May 5, 2023;Accepted August 3, 2023;Published August 15, 2023
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Article InfoVolume 18 2023, Issue #3, pp. 112-125
Cited by1 articlesJournal title: Innovative MarketingArticle title: Analysis of factors influencing intention to purchase halal Japanese food: The moderating role of religiosityDOI: 10.21511/im.20(1).2024.06Volume: 20 / Issue: 1 / First page: 66 / Year: 2024Contributors: Afief El Ashfahany, Shafiyya Khansa Farrahvanaya, Muhamad Subhi Apriantoro, Suharjianto
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This study aims to explore the intention of non-Muslims to become Islamic bank customers using an extended theory of planned behavior with Islamic Bank knowledge as a moderating variable. The partial least square structural equation modelling technique was employed for data and hypothesis testing. Using a probability sampling method, this analysis involved 200 non-Muslim Christians as the majority of respondents, representing the majority of non-Muslims in Indonesia. The results of this study show that attitude (ß = 5.390, p = 0.000), subjective norm (ß = 5.488, p = 0.000), and perceived behavioral control (ß = 2.104, p = 0.036) have a positive relationship with intention. Surprisingly, the relationship between Islamic Bank knowledge and intention is indirect, which is mediated through attitude. In addition, the Islamic Bank knowledge amplifies the relation between perceived behavioral control and intention. This study confirmed that Islamic Bank knowledge plays an important role in increasing intention. Thus, Islamic banks should consider educating more non-Muslims about what an Islamic bank is.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D14, G21, G51
- Figure 1. Research model
- Table 1. Loading factor and average variance extracted
- Table 2. Discriminant validity with Fornell-Larcker criterion
- Table 3. Composite reliability and Cronbach’s alpha
- Table 4. R-square value
- Table 5. Path coefficients
- Table 6. Mediation analysis
- Table 7. Moderation analysis
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Afief El Ashfahany, Dinda Ayu Siti Mutmainah, Isman
Data curation
Afief El Ashfahany
Formal Analysis
Afief El Ashfahany, Dinda Ayu Siti Mutmainah
Funding acquisition
Afief El Ashfahany
Afief El Ashfahany, Isman
Project administration
Afief El Ashfahany, Isman
Afief El Ashfahany, Isman
Afief El Ashfahany
Afief El Ashfahany, Dinda Ayu Siti Mutmainah, Isman
Writing – review & editing
Afief El Ashfahany, Isman
Dinda Ayu Siti Mutmainah
Dinda Ayu Siti Mutmainah
Writing – original draft
Dinda Ayu Siti Mutmainah