Water infrastructure and economic security of regional socio-economic systems: evidence from Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #2, pp. 166-179
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The correlation between the development of a regional economy and the degree of infrastructural development of a country or its territory is a common practice. Considering this, the paper is aimed at studying the impact of water infrastructure on the economic security of regional socio-economic systems in order to develop a water security system for them. A variety of threats against key waterworks can seriously undermine the national economy and water security of regions and cities. Thus, the study analyzes the process of transformation of water infrastructure in the context of ensuring the economic security of regional socio-economic systems. It offers the definition of such categories as “water infrastructure” and “water security of a regional socio-economic system” to formulate a relevant economic policy in Ukraine based on world experience. The study proves the need to attribute water infrastructure to the critical infrastructure sectors of Ukraine and its regions, based on the best world practices in managing water resources and protecting the water infrastructure itself from technogenic, physical, and cyber-physical threats. According to the study results, conceptual bases for ensuring the economic security of regional socio-economic systems are developed, which differ in view of the water security system of the regional socio-economic system, giving priority to the engineering and technical infrastructure of a region.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)Q25, R11
- Figure 1. Composition of the regional infrastructure by function
- Figure 2. Water security system of the regional socio-economic system in Ukraine
- Table 1. Critical infrastructure list proposals
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