Using framing and nudging to increase COVID-19 vaccine willingness: An experimental study
Article InfoVolume 20 2024, Issue #4, pp. 158-167
This work is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Many people are hesitant or unwilling to take advantage of potentially life-saving vaccines; this is true even in a global pandemic and even when vaccines are readily available and/or free. Apart from general unwillingness to be vaccinated, fear of side effects is a frequently named reason for vaccine hesitation. This survey-based study, carried out online in Austria in March of 2021, examines the efficacy of two different approaches – framing and nudging – in promoting a fictional COVID-19 vaccine program. While nudging had no visible effects, either positive or negative, framing was associated with more positive feelings toward the campaign and a greater intention to be vaccinated, though only among those already pre-disposed to get the vaccine. Governments and healthcare organizations are eager to find low-cost measures to increase vaccination rates for COVID-19 and other diseases. This study’s results suggest that addressing and positively framing the high likelihood of problem-free vaccinations should form an integral part of public messages, but that this approach may be ineffective among those who are strongly hesitant or unwilling.
Supported by funds from the province of Tyrol.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M31, M37, I12
- Table 1. 2x2 group design with wording of text vignettes
- Table 2. Item wording and results of the two-way ANOVA
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