Unveiling organizational appeal in Lithuania: A study on employee perceptions of organizational attractiveness as an employer
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #2, pp. 182-196
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
In recent times of uncertainty, new post-COVID-19 reality, and fierce competition for talented employees, organizational attractiveness as an appealing employer has emerged as one of the paramount facets, deeply integrated into strategic processes within organizations. However, there are many considerable challenges in understanding employee perceptions and meeting their expectations to become an employer of choice.
The aim of the study is to examine Lithuanian employees’ attitudes toward different organizational attractiveness attributes, offering empirical insights for organizations to enhance their organizational attractiveness. To explore the manifestation of organizational attractiveness in Lithuanian organizations, 464 employed residents were surveyed using convenience sampling. Their attitudes were measured through the dimensions of social value, benefit value, development value, engagement value, economic value, management/leadership value, and work-life balance value. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the questionnaire data.
The results indicated that employees emphasized social (M = 7.44), management/leadership (M = 7.05), engagement (M = 6.80), and work/life balance values (M = 6.79), while benefits (M = 6.60), development (M = 6.54), and economic (M = 6.20) values received comparatively lower evaluations. Practical recommendations include promoting social responsibility, providing work opportunities, investing in employee’s development, fostering autonomy, improving leadership skills, and implementing systems for work-life balance and economic incentives. Upholding promises to employees is crucial for organizational credibility. By implementing these recommendations, organizations can enhance their attractiveness to both current and prospective employees. This study underscores the need for further research on sector-specific organizational attractiveness.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M12, M14, M19
- Table 1. Measurement of organizations as attractive employers: A study overview
- Table 2. Distribution of dimensions (subscales) of organizational attractiveness scale and their reliability
- Table 3. Demographics of the sample
- Table 4. Statistics of social value subscale
- Table 5. Statistics of benefits value subscale
- Table 6. Statistics of development value subscale
- Table 7. Statistics of engagement value subscale
- Table 8. Statistics of economic value subscale
- Table 9. Statistics of management/leadership value subscale
- Table 10. Statistics of work/life balance value subscale
- Table A1. Organizational attractiveness scale
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