Tools for formation and development of the environmentally friendly food products market: regional aspect in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 11 2020, Issue #1, pp. 96-109
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Utilization of modern technologies in food production causes several negative consequences having a long-term impact on public health due to the consumption of food containing components of inorganic origin. This circumstance requires the formation and development of the market of organic food in Ukraine. The paper aims to substantiate the possibility of using economic and organizational tools to rationalize environmentally friendly food consumption and eliminate their negative consequences for the region’s population. The study’s basis is the classical provisions of modern economic theory, environmental economics, and the concept of socio-ethical marketing. Based on the analysis of official statistics, the parameters and opportunities for the growth of the organic food products market in Ukraine by region are determined. The conformity of the product offer of ecologically clean products to different consumer segments in the region is revealed according to the criteria that characterize the groups of goods according to the degree of their ecological purity compared to the price parameter, frequency of purchase, and place of purchase. The priorities for the gradual expansion of the organic food market in the region have been determined with an emphasis on its expansion by attracting new consumer segments. The need for additional organizational measures in the region, aimed at both non-commercial and commercial promotion of healthy lifestyles and proper nutrition, is argued, which increases consumers’ involvement in these processes and increases awareness and interest in regular consumption of organic food.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D11, M31, R11
- Figure 1. Distribution of households by self-assessment of material well-being, %
- Figure 2. Segments of the population in the region that are allocated to offer them organic food
- Figure 3. Regional distribution of Ukrainian households whose members identify themselves as middle class
- Figure 4. Stages of the process of raising awareness of potential consumers about the possibility of purchasing organic food
- Figure 5. Scheme of the regional center for examination of food products ecological purity
- Figure 6. Stages of expanding the market for organic food in the region
- Table 1. Distribution of households with children according to self-assessment of their income level (indicator for the beginning of 2019)
- Table 2. Correspondence of food groups to different consumer segments
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