Theoretical approaches to the definition of Internet marketing: Ukrainian dimension
Article InfoVolume 16 2020, Issue #1, pp. 89-103
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Despite the rapid growth rate, the scientific base and theoretical development of Internet marketing in Ukraine requires scientific justification and additional research. This paper highlights the problems associated with the unclear position among scientists and experts in defining the concept of “Internet marketing” because the concept is quite new and practically unexplored, consists of two words, each of which has its meaningful content.
The paper aims, based on the analysis of conceptual theoretical approaches of scientists and marketers, to formulate the conceptual definition of “Internet marketing,” considering modern features of Internet marketing activity.
The research considers the basic theoretical and practical definitions of “Internet marketing” in accordance with the conceptual and categorical approaches. According to the supporters of the descriptive approach, the definition of Internet marketing characterizes, as part of e-commerce, the set of Internet marketing tools, while ignoring the relationship with traditional marketing. Supporters of the conservative approach consider Internet marketing as an integral part of traditional marketing and do not pay due attention to the technical capabilities and limitations of the Internet.
To form a comprehensive definition of Internet marketing, which would take into account all aspects of Internet marketing, this paper considers the Internet marketing features, according to the “6I” Internet marketing model of McDonald and Wilson, supplemented by characteristics of the modern conditions of the Ukrainian Internet market, like reactivity, dynamic pricing, innovation, complexity of implementation, and others.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M15, M31, L86
- Figure 1. Socio-demographic structure of “regular” Internet users in Ukraine in 2019
- Figure 2. Dynamics of Internet penetration in Ukraine over the last 10 years
- Figure 3. Average cost per click in 2018–2019, UAH
- Table 1. The prevalence of basic concepts to characterize the marketing activity of the company on the Internet, %
- Table 2. The selected conceptual approaches of scientists and marketers to defining “Internet marketing” (IM)
- Table 3. Dynamics of browser market share in Ukraine in 2018–2020
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