The use of the “Rational” system of global marketing communications in management of international enterprises
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #3, pp. 14-30
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The modern system of global marketing communications is not ideal, that is why management of international enterprises needs to use creativity in their attempts to predict the results of the marketing activities. They often fail in forecasting, because specialists do not have necessary practical models and data.
The article deals with the questions of developing a model of the “rational” system of global marketing communications, which will be ready for the implementation into managerial processes of the Ukrainian firms. The model in the research is based on one-factor and multi-factor equations with calculations on the example of the well-known American company Nike, which works in the segment of apparel and footwear industry and can be a bright example of building a strong marketing communication strategy. Methods of linear and polynomial trends, smoothing average and exponential smoothing were used for the development of the proposed model.
The examination of the correlation between global income, costs on marketing communication activities of the international company and index of satisfaction by this enterprise on the market in the frames of the econometric model’s work showed the dependency, which can become a basis for future analysis. The invented model of the “rational” system of global marketing communications shows how managers can calculate the resultativity of specific marketing instruments, which they plan to accept as appropriate. Different indicators can be used in forecasting the effects of global marketing communications on the performance of international enterprises. The article shows that the more indicators are used in the model, the more accurate is the result.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G32, D81, M31
- Figure 1. Global incomes of Nike, Adidas and Puma, 2011–2016, in billions of euros
- Figure 2. Costs of the company Nike on creating demand, 2003–2015, in billions of dollars
- Figure 3. The index of satisfaction of American consumers by the companies of sports footwear in the USA, 2003–2017
- Figure 4. Correlation field for the index of satisfaction of American consumers and costs on marketing by Nike
- Figure 5. Correlation field of interconnection of the index of satisfaction of American consumers with the company Nike and its incomes, in the period 2006–2017
- Figure 6. Costs on creating demand by the company Nike, in billions of dollars
- Figure A1. Linear trend for Nike
- Figure A2. Polynomial line trend for Nike
- Figure A3. Exponential line trend for Nike
- Figure A4. Power line trend for Nike
- Figure A5. Linear trend for the company Nike
- Figure A6. Polynomial trend for the company Nike
- Table 1. Disadvantages and risks of the “unideal” system of global marketing communications from the management point of view
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