The Talmud and corporate citizenship

  • Published June 3, 2016
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    Volume 7 2016, Issue #2, pp. 53-61

The Talmud is without doubt the most prominent text of rabbinic Judaism`s traditional literature which is replete with precepts that deal with corporate citizenship. Thus the Talmud can be used as a starting point for those who are interested in establishing financially successful companies. This article is based on a literature review of related journal articles and the Talmud. Some of the issues discussed in this article include: Talmud and ecology, caring for the environment, corporate charity, employer-employee relationship, honest weights and measures, community prosperity, buyer-seller relationship, transparency, honesty in business, fraud and theft, and corporate citizenship in the contemporary world. The author concludes that sustainable financial success is guaranteed through corporate citizenship. This article is of benefit to the academia, corporate citizenship advocates and the business community at large

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