The role of some indicators of financial security in Ukraine in the context of transnationalization and national interests
Article InfoVolume 15 2018, Issue #3, pp. 237-248
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The article analyzes some indicators of Ukraine’s financial security in the context of transnationalization and national interests. On the basis of the obtained results, the role of financial security in the context of transnationalization and national interests has been determined, directions for strengthening the financial security of the country have been proposed.
The main objective of the study is to determine the role of Ukraine’s financial security in the context of transnationalization and national interests, based on the study and evaluation of some financial security indicators. The methodology of the research is based on the early prevention of threats to financial security of Ukraine in the context of transnationalization and national interests, based on both macroeconomic and financial data from the entire financial system. The regression models were used, because they work dynamically and change as information changes. Diagrams can be used by financial analysts to understand the investment attractiveness of the country at the current time with the current level of financial security. Standard models are designed to predict the financial stress and threats to financial security. Financial security models must be built with the support of macroeconomic knowledge, assessment of other risks and expert interpretations, used to get the highest value in the research.
The procedure of simulation of financial security indicators of the country has been given. The use of correlation and regression analysis for forecasting the financial security indicators in Ukraine has been substantiated. The links between the indicator variables have been analyzed. The general view of model relations between financial security indicators in Ukraine has been determined, their statistical analysis has been carried out and the necessity of forecasting the financial security indicators of Ukraine has been substantiated.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)E51, O16
- Figure 1. Grouping of the national economy indicators of Ukraine according to the impact on the money supply
- Figure 2. Direct significant impact of indicators of the national economy of Ukraine on the money supply
- Figure 3. Reverse significant impact of the national economy indicators of Ukraine on the money supply
- Table 1. Influence of separate indicators of the national economy on the money supply of the country
- Table 2. Correlation coefficients of the impact estimation of the national economy indicators of Ukraine on the adjusted net national income
- Table 3. Correlation coefficients of the impact estimation of the national economy indicators of Ukraine on the total amount of the state debt
- Table 4. Correlation coefficients of the impact evaluation of the national economy in Ukraine on the GINI index
- Table 5. Calculated indicators of state debt regression analysis
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