The role of SMES’ market orientation in developing countries: a general investigation in four countries
Article InfoVolume 16 2020, Issue #4, pp. 1-12
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SMEs are limited in their business development. This study is built on previous research conducted in four developing countries (Nigeria, South Africa, Turkey and India). It is difficult to access a bank to get a loan, they have no understanding of how to produce quality products or services, and they have no awareness to get used to learning; these are the problems faced by SMEs.
The goal of this study is to find out market-oriented strategies to achieve performance in SMEs that are often ignored because they are too expensive. Review papers were used in order to get the stated aim.
This study found out that market orientation is not carried out by most SMEs. There are high investment costs for this. Market orientation cannot always guarantee the success of their business. Problem solving was chosen as a strategy in an effort to make market orientation roles more visible, like easy access to finance, awareness of the quality of products and services they produce, and the habit of continuing to learn. The government, along with SME owners and other interested parties, makes some appropriate formulations to strengthen the position of SMEs as a driving force of the economy. It was concluded that SMEs must obtain special policies regarding the ease of financing from banks, availability of training organized by the government to raise knowledge of quality and awareness to always learn, and enabling SMEs to compete with large companies.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M21, M31, N85, N87
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