The rating of Ukraine’s regional tourist systems according to their investment potential

  • Received April 29, 2022;
    Accepted June 27, 2022;
    Published July 12, 2022
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 20 2022, Issue #3, pp. 43-61
  • Cited by
    4 articles

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

The development and implementation of regional tourism development programs in Ukraine require the formation of the information environment for ranking the tourist systems of Ukraine’s regions according to the attractiveness of their investment potential, which determines the purpose of this study. The methods of economic analysis and rating modeling were used to rank regional tourism systems according to their investment potential by determining the integral indicator of the economic and tourist resources of each region. Accordingly, economic indicators are chosen to provide the regions with financial, labor, and production resources; tourism indicators include supply and demand for tourism services, availability of tourism resources, tourism efficiency, as well as tourism accommodation. According to the results of rating and grouping, three groups of regions were formed: the first (the priority in terms of investment potential of the tourist system has the value of the integrated indicator from 72.0 to 94.8); the second (values from 40.2 to 71.0, reflecting the average level of investment potential); and the third (values from 25.0 to 40.1 for regions with low investment potential). The rating of regional tourist systems reflects the development level of their potential; it is an indicator of the effectiveness of its management and information base necessary for management decisions of potential investors. The asymmetry of investment potential of regional tourism systems causes an imbalance in their competitiveness, so implementing regional and national programs will help intensifying their use and equalizing regions’ development.

The paper reflects the research results within the study carried out in 2021–2024 at the State University of Trade and Economics at the request of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine “Digital Transformation of Trade, Economic and Tourist Systems of Ukraine,” state registration number 0117U000503, and “Forecasting the impact of the tourist system on the country’s economy,” state registration number 0122U001559.

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    • Figure 1. Grouping of Ukraine’s regions according to the integrated index of tourist systems’ investment potential
    • Figure A1. Methods and results of research on the region’s investment potential
    • Figure I1. Grouping of regions* according to the integrated index of investment potential of tourist systems
    • Table 1. Integrated index of investment potential of tourist systems in the regions of Ukraine
    • Table 2. Characteristics of groups of Ukraine’s regions according to the integrated index of tourist systems’ investment potential
    • Table B1. Indicators for the analysis of investment potential for regional tourist systems
    • Table C1. Indicators of the provision of Ukraine’s regions with financial resources in 2020
    • Table C2. Indicators of the provision of Ukraine’s regions with labor resources in 2020
    • Table C3. Indicators of provision of Ukraine’s regions with production resources in 2020
    • Table D1. Rating positions of Ukraine’s regions according to their provision with economic (financial, labor, and production) resources in 2020
    • Table E1. Indicators of demand and supply of tourist services in Ukraine’s regions in 2020
    • Table F1. Indicators of the availability of tourist resources and the efficiency of tourist activities in Ukraine’s regions in 2020
    • Table G1. Indicators of tourism accommodation in the regions of Ukraine in 2020
    • Table H1. Ranking positions of Ukraine’s regions according to their provision with tourist resources (supply and demand, availability of tourist resources, efficiency of tourist activities, tourism accommodation) in 2020
    • Conceptualization
      Anatolii Mazaraki
    • Funding acquisition
      Anatolii Mazaraki
    • Investigation
      Anatolii Mazaraki, Myroslava Bosovska
    • Methodology
      Anatolii Mazaraki, Marharyta Boiko
    • Writing – review & editing
      Anatolii Mazaraki, Myroslava Bosovska
    • Data curation
      Marharyta Boiko, Alla Okhrimenko, Kateryna Antoniuk
    • Formal Analysis
      Marharyta Boiko, Kateryna Antoniuk
    • Resources
      Marharyta Boiko, Myroslava Bosovska
    • Validation
      Marharyta Boiko, Alla Okhrimenko
    • Writing – original draft
      Myroslava Bosovska, Kateryna Antoniuk
    • Project administration
      Alla Okhrimenko
    • Software
      Alla Okhrimenko, Kateryna Antoniuk
    • Supervision
      Alla Okhrimenko, Kateryna Antoniuk
    • Visualization
      Kateryna Antoniuk