The place and perspectives of Ukraine in international integration space
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #1, pp. 80-92
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The resulting indexes for integration processes state development analysis were formed. The integral indexes illustrating integration state were calculated on the basis of member countries of BRICS and Ukraine. It provided the possibility to evaluate socioeconomic state of the countries from the point of view of international integration and create integration processes development scenarios. The strategic directions of integration processes development for Ukraine and member countries of BRICS were formed.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J15, C53
- Fig. 1. Forecasting meanings of integral index reflecting integration development level of Ukraine and BRICS member countries in perspective period (2016-2018)
- Fig. 2. Strategic positioning of Ukraine and member countries of BRICS in the first year of forecast
- Fig. 3. Strategic positioning of Ukraine and member countries of BRICS in the second year of forecast
- Fig. 4. Strategic positioning of Ukraine and member countries of BRICS in the third year of forecast
- Table 1. The list of indexes characterizing socioeconomic state of countries in terms of integration processes
- Table 2. Integration processes development system, the case of BRICS countries
- Table 3. Growth curve equation of socioeconomic development indexes of Brazil
- Table 4. Forecasting meanings of indexes of socioeconomic state of Brazil
- Table 5. Forecasting meanings of indexes of socioeconomic state of Russia
- Table 6. Forecasting meanings of indexes of socioeconomic state of India
- Table 7. Forecasting meanings of indexes of socioeconomic development of China
- Table 8. Forecasting meanings of indexes of socioeconomic state of SA
- Table 9. Growth curves equations of socioeconomic development indexes of Ukraine
- Table 10. Forecasting meanings of indexes characterizing integration processes of Ukraine
- Table 11. Forecasting meanings of integral index for Ukraine and BRICS member countries in three year perspective period
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