The performance evaluation of the state-owned enterprise’s stocks in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 16 2019, Issue #2, pp. 140-149
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
State-owned enterprises (SOEs) play a strategic role in the Indonesian economy. In Indonesia, SOEs have contributed around 16.41% for the Indonesian state budget. Many Indonesian state-owned enterprises (SOEs) have listed their stocks on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. However, the study on the performance of SOEs’ stocks is still relatively limited and tends to use indicators such as Sharpe Index, Treynor Ratio or Jensen Index. In addition to using indicators such as Sharpe Index, Treynor Ratio or Jensen Index, this study examines the performance of SOEs’ stocks using Adjusted Sharpe Index, Adjusted Jensen Index and Sortino Ratio that can measure the downside risk of those stocks. The objective of this study is to analyze the performance of the SOEs’ stocks in Indonesia. The sample in this research were 19 SOEs’ stocks listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange during the period from January 2013 until April 2019. The result of this research indicated that INAF (PT Indo Farma) stocks had the best performance when measured by using all measurement methods. The performing stocks came from the construction sector and the pharmaceutical sector. Therefore, investors are suggested to give more attention to SOEs from the pharmaceutical sector and the construction sector.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G11
- Table 1. Samples
- Table 2. Beta, standard deviation, and average monthly return
- Table 3. The result of SOEs’ stock performance
- Table 4. The segmentation of equity mutual funds
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