The moderating role of IFRS in the relationship between risk management and financial disclosure in Jordanian banks

  • Received February 13, 2022;
    Accepted September 2, 2022;
    Published September 26, 2022
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 17 2022, Issue #3, pp. 167-176
  • Cited by
    4 articles

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

This study investigated the impact of IFRS on the relationship between risk management and financial disclosure in Jordanian banks in light of the Covid-19 pandemic. The study data were collected from Jordanian banks’ financial reports with the help of panel data to measure IFRS and risk management. The study depended on daily data, at a rate of (256) trading days from March 3, 2020 until April 29, 2021. Also, the study used questionnaires to measure financial disclosure in addition to interviews with eight Jordanian bank managers. Multiple regression was used to test hypotheses. The study found a positive statistically significant relationship between risk management and financial disclosure. The relationship was portrayed by a coefficient of 0.315. The result also showed the moderating role of IFRS in such a relationship, the effect reached 0.696. The conclusions have implications for both theory and practice. In fact, the findings elucidated the connection between risk management, IFRS, and financial disclosure. Finally, Jordanian banks should focus on IFRS and risk management, enhanced management, and employee skills as recommendations in this study. Thus, Jordanian banks pay particular attention to IFRS and risk management in order to achieve profitability through financial disclosure.

The publication of this research has been supported by the Deanship of Scientific Research and Graduate Studies at Philadelphia University – Jordan.

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    • Figure 1. Model of the study
    • Figure 2. Regression standardized residual
    • Table 1. Normality result
    • Table 2. Multicollinearity test
    • Table 3. Coefficients
    • Table 4. Moderating analysis
    • Conceptualization
      Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmed Al-Jayousi, Rana Airout
    • Data curation
      Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmed Al-Jayousi, Rana Airout
    • Formal Analysis
      Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmed Al-Jayousi, Rana Airout
    • Investigation
      Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmed Al-Jayousi, Rana Airout
    • Methodology
      Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmed Al-Jayousi, Rana Airout
    • Project administration
      Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmed Al-Jayousi, Rana Airout
    • Validation
      Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmed Al-Jayousi, Rana Airout
    • Writing – original draft
      Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmed Al-Jayousi, Rana Airout
    • Writing – review & editing
      Qasim Ahmad Alawaqleh, Mohammad Hamdan, Ahmed Al-Jayousi, Rana Airout