The influence of selected work characteristics on missed and unfinished nursing care in hospitals: Evidence from the Czech Republic
Article InfoVolume 22 2024, Issue #1, pp. 491-499
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Missed and unfinished nursing care in hospitals depends on the quality of human resources. This paper aims to analyze the influence of selected work characteristics on missing and incomplete nursing care in inpatient wards of Czech hospitals. The relationship between the rate of missed and unfinished nursing care and selected work characteristics was studied using the Czech version of the standardized questionnaire, the MISSCARE Survey. The study was conducted from September 26, 2021, to October 15, 2021. Controlled interviews with 1,205 nurses working in ward blocks in Czech hospitals were used. The research results showed statistically significant connections between selected work characteristics and missed and unfinished nursing care. Nurses with the highest level of education (Master, Ph.D.), nurses with specialized education, nurses with the lowest number of working hours (less than 30 hours per week), and nurses with the highest number of years of work experience (21 years and over) show a significantly lower rate of missed nursing care. Nurses from surgical departments, specialist nurses, and nurses with the highest education (Master, Ph.D.) report statistically significantly lower unfinished care levels. In contrast, nurses from regional/district hospitals, practical nurses/nursing assistants, and nurses with the lowest education (secondary school of nursing) report significantly higher unfinished nursing care levels. The information obtained can be used to improve nursing processes in the identified weak parts, strategic planning of nursing care, and sufficient personnel.
I would like to express my gratitude to co-authors and other members of the research team – Hana Hajduchová, Chloubová Ivana, Hana Kubešová, Josef Malý, Martin Doseděl, Ondřej Tesař, and Kateřina Malá-Ládová, without whose support the article could not have been published.
Supported by the Ministry of Health of the Czech Republic, grant no. NU20-09-00257. All rights reserved.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M10, M12, M19
- Table 1. General characteristics of the sample group
- Table 2. Other socio-demographic characteristics of the sample group
- Table 3. Work characteristics of the sample group
- Table 4. Connection between selected work characteristics and the degree of missed nursing care
- Table 5. The relationship between selected work characteristics and unfinished nursing care level
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