The impact of mobile banking use on the Islamic financial institutional interest: A study in Indonesia
Article InfoVolume 17 2022, Issue #3, pp. 1-11
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M-banking is one of the services that Islamic banking provides to its users. With M-banking, customers can more easily obtain information without queueing at the bank. This study investigates the impact of Islamic mobile banking on customers’ interests. To explore the phenomenological impact, this study used a qualitative approach by applying in-depth interviews with 15 Islamic M-banking users from various backgrounds. This study analyzed the data by data reduction, display, and conclusion. The conclusion of this study revealed some positive and negative effects on the users. The positive effect is that it saves time, especially for students and workers who are busy with their daily activities. The available features and facilities such are credit purchases and online Islamic social payments ease them in saving time. However, there are also negative consequences for users. Some customers are susceptible to data theft by irresponsible people and face difficulties in using sophisticated mobile phones that not all customers have. Inconvenience telephone and text messages on behalf of a bank insulted users of Islamic M-banking and reduced their comfort. This study recommends that Islamic banks improve the data security system to ensure customer convenience when using M-banking.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)A14, G21, D91, G21, O33
- Table 1. List of informants
- Table 2. Coding a positive impact based on interview data
- Table 3. Coding a negative impact based on interview data
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