The impact of intrapreneurship on operators’ performance of Jordanian Telecom organizations
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #2, pp. 551-563
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of intrapreneurship on the performance of telecom operators in Jordan. Three different dimensions are investigated that represent the independent variable of intrapreneurship – corporate culture, corporate entrepreneurship, and re-engineering corporate thinking, while the dependent variable performance included five dimensions such as the volume of production, sales volume, production process, diversification, and employee enhancement. A quantitative method was used; a survey was targeted at Telecom Jordan employees who were participating in the company’s intrapreneurial program Oz. 140 employees participated in the intrapreneurial program as a comprehensive population, and 102 questionnaire forms were retrieved. The findings showed that there is a significant effect of intrapreneurship on the performance of Telecom Jordan. The coefficient of determination (R2) is 0.394, indicating that the intrapreneurship explains 39.4% of the change in operators’ performance. Moreover, the results revealed that the highest effect of intrapreneurship is on employee enhancement, followed by the process of production, sales volume, the volume of production, and diversification, respectively. The study highly recommended giving more attention to the intrapreneurial studio, as it is considered a factory of various diversified ideas.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)L26, J46
- Figure 1. Relationship between the dependent variables and the number of repetitions in previous articles
- Figure 2. The study model
- Table 1. Sources of variables
- Table 2. Reliability test
- Table 3. Multicollinearity test
- Table 4. Regressing intrapreneurship variable against OJO performance (ANOVA)
- Table 5. Regressing intrapreneurship sub-variable against OJO performance (ANOVA)
- Table 6. Regressing intrapreneurship variable on the volume of production
- Table 7. Regressing intrapreneurship sub-variables on the volume of production
- Table 8. Regressing intrapreneurship variable on the sales volume
- Table 9. Regressing intrapreneurship sub- variables on the sales volume
- Table 10. Regressing intrapreneurship variable on the process of production
- Table 11. Regressing intrapreneurship sub- variables on the process of production
- Table 12. Regressing intrapreneurship variable on diversification
- Table 13. Regressing intrapreneurship sub- variables on diversification
- Table 14. Regressing intrapreneurship variable on employee enhancement
- Table 15. Regressing intrapreneurship sub- variables on employee enhancement
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