The impact of innovative work behavior, perceived Leadership 4.0, and corporate social responsibility on sustaining banking industry performance in Nigeria within the 4IR Era
Article InfoVolume 18 2023, Issue #4, pp. 1-11
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Despite the increase in business performance research, only some studies have examined the combination of innovative work behavior, Leadership 4.0, and corporate social responsibility as performance factors in Nigeria’s banking industry in the current 4IR. This study aims to sustain performance in the banking industry of Nigeria. Four hundred (400) bank employees were randomly selected for this study from a sample of cooperating banks (Zenith Bank Plc, Guarantee Trust Bank Plc, United Bank for Africa Plc, and First Bank of Nigeria Plc) in the Nigerian states of Oyo and Lagos. One Hundred (100) participants were chosen from each bank. Additionally, the survey was given out to randomly chosen bank employees using structured questionnaires. Participants were selected using a simple random sampling technique; 386 of the 400 surveys were appropriate for analysis. To do the analysis, SPSS version 29 was used. According to the study’s findings, innovative work behavior had a 77% influence on performance variance within the banking industry in the current 4IR, Leadership 4.0 had an 88% influence, and corporate social responsibility had a 71% influence. Accordingly, the results show that more significant innovation in work behavior, adoption of Leadership 4.0, and involvement in CSR significantly predict the maintenance of performance in the Nigerian banking industry. Additionally, the findings indicate that adopting Leadership 4.0 predicts a more significant variance in performance in the banking business, followed by demonstrating innovative work behavior and involvement in corporate social responsibility.
The author thanks Professor Wilfred Ukpere and the Department of Industrial Psychology and People Management (University of Johannesburg) for funding and publishing this study.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G21, M14, O31
- Figure 1. Independent and joint impacts of IWB, L4.0, and CSR on bank performance
- Figure 2. Realistic model for improving and maintaining bank performance
- Table 1. The model summary of hierarchical multiple regressions presenting the distinct joint impact of innovative work behavior, Leadership 4.0, and corporate social responsibility on the performance of Nigeria’s banking industry in the current 4IR
- Table 2. Summary of hierarchical multiple regressions showing the distinct independent and combined effect of innovative work behavior, Leadership 4.0, and corporate social responsibility on the performance of Nigeria’s banking industry in the current 4IR
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