The impact of globalization challenges on pension provision development
Article InfoVolume 1 2017, Issue #2, pp. 34-44
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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
The article analyzes pension provision development in the world and the problems of its implementation under the globalization challenges. The main reasons for considering pension provision as a global problem are specified. It is noted that the negative manifestations of globalization are inherent in the Ukrainian practice of pension provision. The purpose of the paper is to study the world’s experience in reforming national pension systems under increasing global negative trends. The research was conducted using the methods of scientific knowledge: comparison and generalization – to establish the essential differences in approaches to the globalization processes studying; analysis and synthesis – to identify regularities in economic development and their determination of social consequences; historical and logical, as well as statistical methods. The article considers some countries’ experience in improving the practice of pension provision. It was established that pension reform was aimed at making the pension age most upon the individual achievements of an employee (pension insurance record, salary, deductions, other personal preferences). In most developed countries, pension funds are provided from three sources: state pension funds, corporate sector pensions and individual pensions received under a contract of personal voluntary pension accumulative insurance. Further development of the pension system in Ukraine should be provided due to the introduction of its second level. As a result of the study, it was found out that global challenges are problems that hinder the normal course of human development. They make a particular negative impact on pension provision. The search for methods to neutralize or mitigate the effects of global challenges has led many countries to introduce a three-tier pension system that involves funding from various sources.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)F01, F20, H55, J11
- Table 1. Three-tier pension system and its characteristics
- Table 2. Pension age in some countries
- Table 3. Top ten countries by Melbourne Mercer Global Index 2017
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