Systemic-structural analysis of the machine-building enterprises economic sustainability formation mechanism
Article InfoVolume 17 2019, Issue #3, pp. 395-409
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Funding dataFunder name: Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute, UkraineFunder identifier: Development of an online platform analysis and scenario planning of sustainability of Ukrainian regions in the context of the quality and safety of human lifeAward numbers: number of state registration 0117U002476
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Machine-building complex is a system-forming element of Ukrainian economy. Functioning of other industries in many respects depends on the results of its activity. Harsh conditions of globalized economic environment and geopolitical changes taking place in the country have negatively affected the state of machine-building enterprises and determined the need for increasing the level of their economic sustainability. As a result of using the systemic-structural approach, which is being developed in the context of the provisions of systemic economic theory, systemic-structural analysis of economic sustainability of several machine-building enterprises was performed. The study was conducted based on a sample of 16 machine-building enterprises and covered the 2015−2016 period. Economic sustainability was analyzed by way of defining in the structure of enterprises, econometric modeling and assessing the state of four subsystems with different space and time localization and further defining the level of mutual balance. The set of individual parameters for modeling every subsystem was determined mainly by way of regrouping of baseline statistical indicators, as well as expert assessments. Using such an approach enabled to determine structural peculiarities of machine-building enterprises development during the analyzed period and their effect on formation of volatility and stability properties, which ensure their sustainability in space and time. During the analyzed period, the determined disproportions of the subsystems in the structure of enterprises had systemic nature. The identification of economic manifestations of the determined disproportions enabled to formally define non-trivial dependencies between the economic phenomena, which took place in machine building, and to define the nature of their influence on the mechanism of economic sustainability formation. The risks affecting every subsystem under study had volatile nature, that’s why the issue of systemic risk management remains relevant.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)B59, C12, С59, D92, L69, O12, Р51
- Figure 1. Graphical model of the ideal configuration of the enterprise system balanced structure
- Figure 2. Graphical models of the enterprise subsystems structure by year for the 2005–2016 period (generalized by the group of enterprises)
- Figure 3. Correlation of the levels of the properties expressiveness, which ensure the sustainability of enterprises (generalized by groups of enterprises)
- Figure 4. The diagram of the change of the levels of properties expressiveness, which ensure the sustainability of enterprises, for the 2005–2016 period (generalized by the group of enterprises)
- Figure 5. Generalized characteristic of the defined structural peculiarities of enterprises and their influence on functionality and sustainability formation mechanism
- Table 1. Division of structural-functional elements of the enterprise by the subsystems
- Table 2. Determination of peculiarities, which ensure the sustainability of the enterprise economic system
- Table 3. Index values of machine-building enterprises subsystems for the 2005–2016 period (generalized by the group of enterprises)
- Table 4. Indicators of mutual balance of enterprise subsystems for the 2005–2016 period (generalized by the group of enterprises)
- Table 5. Characteristic of features and functional consequences of structural violations, caused by relative deficit or proficit of certain subsystems in the enterprise structure
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