Strategic view on the rental policy in the field of environmental management
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #1, pp. 1-11
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The article proposes to consider a “new view” on the necessary changes in the rental policy in the field of environmental management. The main stages of the rental policy have been identified and analyzed, such as transformation of socio-economic relations; role of state regulation of the rental policy. Nowadays, in a context of transformation of rental policy and socio-economic relations, state administration should form social values through the environmental use and consumption of resources and implement a saving policy on the natural resource extraction. With the help of the implementation of the collaboration mechanism, the interests of the parties to the collaborative alliance regarding the redistribution of rental income received from the natural resource extraction may be taken into account.
In addition, attention was focused on the necessity of optimal distribution of rental income from the extraction of natural resources in the conditions of the collaborative alliance. The research showed that the convergence of interests in the system “state – society – fuel production enterprise” is today the priority form of cooperation in order to form the socio-environmental responsibility in the extraction and use of natural resources, to motivate behavior of the local community with the support of the scientific and expert group on the redistribution of part of the rental income on restoration and development of the territories, as well as to implement a saving policy on the use and consumption of resources in order to preserve them for future generations.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M21, M38, Q56
- Table 1. The optimal distribution of rental income from the extraction of natural resources (constant values)
- Table 2. The optimal distribution of rental income from the extraction of natural resources (values changing over time)
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