Socially responsible interaction of a business-organization with an internal stakeholder
Article InfoVolume 8 2018, Issue #2, pp. 69-74
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The purpose of the article is to clarify the essence of social responsibility in the field of engagement, interviewing and recruiting. The object is defined by the internal social responsibility of the employer, which covers the processes of hiring and adaptation, motivation, development and evaluation of their own personnel, which is the main stakeholder of the organization. Modern methods of research, in particular: scientific abstraction (in the study of the essence of categories of corporate social responsibility, a system approach (to justify the principles that influence corporate social responsibility), etc., are used to achieve the stated goal and to solve the above tasks. The provisions and conclusions of the work are a system of measures aimed at ensuring productive employment, a fair compensation policy, creating conditions for the full development of human potential, taking into account the own interests of the main business goals and development strategies of the enterprise. Principles of employer's social responsibility in compensation policy are revealed. They are: decent wages, social support of employees; catering and payment for employees’ medical services; improvement of employees’ health; employees’ leisure time; employees’ health care; assistance in critical situations; financial support; additional medical and social security; positive psychological climate in the team. Components of organization social responsibility in the sphere of professional training are investigated. They are: training and development; forming of employees’ individual development plans; selection of employees forms and methods of training; definition of training efficiency indicators; employees’ professional mobility; planning and career management; formation of personnel reserve etc. It is established that personnel development includes: training programs, professional development, trainings, internship, corporate universities, grants, research and practical development, innovative employment through the “knowledge economy”, favorable conditions for growth of personnel creative potential.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)М14, М54
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