Simulation of the impact of economic development on social development of the country
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #3, pp. 37-54
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In the current conditions of development of the international and national economy, an important task of statistical research is to conduct an objective and timely assessment and modeling of the relationship between indicators of economic and social development. Based on the results of these studies, reasonable management influences of the state on the adjustment and regulation of the country’s development are accepted. The article is devoted to the study of the relationship between the main components of economic and social development of the country and the construction of a set of models for forecasting the prospects of the country. The object of the study is the socio-economic condition of the country. The article proposes an algorithmic model for assessing the impact of economic development on society, which allows to identify key economic indicators that influence and shape the social development of the country. The practical value of the algorithmic model is to develop a system of evaluation and selection as a result of modeling the most significant factors that shape the social development of the country. The study confirmed the hypothesis of the dominant impact of economic development on society and determined that the main economic factors are the level of competencies that satisfy the modern labour market, technical development of businesses and their competitiveness in markets.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)С15, С82, О11, О15
- Figure 1. Algorithmic model for assessing the impact of economic development on the social development of the country
- Figure 2. Trends in Ukraine’s position on the competitiveness index and HDI
- Figure 3. Dynamics of integrated indicators of economic and social development of Ukraine for the period 1990–2018
- Figure 4. Retrospective and perspective values of the general indicator of social development of the country
- Figure B1. Initial data and the final correlation matrix for the components of the HDI
- Figure B2. Initial data and the final correlation matrix for the components of the competitiveness index
- Table 1. Competitiveness indices for the period from 1990 to 2018
- Table 2. Human development indices for the period 1990–2018
- Table 3. Comparison of HDI components of Ukraine and the countries - representatives of each of the groups
- Table 4. Complex of models and forecast values of economic indicators
- Table А1. Characteristics of the step of the algorithmic model
- Table C1. Correlation matrix for indicators of the integrated indicator social development
- Table C2. Correlation matrix for indicators of the integrated indicator economic development
- Table C3. The results of building an economic and mathematical model
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