Role of behavioral biases in the investment decisions of Pakistan Stock Exchange investors: Moderating role of investment experience
Received September 4, 2023;Accepted November 3, 2023;Published February 2, 2024
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Article InfoVolume 21 2024, Issue #1, pp. 146-156
Cited by2 articlesJournal title: Investment Management and Financial InnovationsArticle title: Behavioral factors driving stock market investment decisions among individuals in NepalDOI: 10.21511/imfi.22(1).2025.10Volume: 22 / Issue: 1 / First page: 122 / Year: 2025Contributors: Padam Bahadur Lama, Rita Subedi, Arjun Kumar Niroula, Ganesh Datt Pant, Sabita KhatriJournal title: Cogent Business & ManagementArticle title: Earnings management opportunistic or efficient in Pakistan? The role of corporate governance practicesDOI: 10.1080/23311975.2024.2398716Volume: 11 / Issue: 1 / First page: / Year: 2024Contributors: Syed Farhan Shah, Shahid Mehmood, Muhammad Asif Khan, József Popp
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Despite many revolutionary asset pricing models developed over the past decades, traditional finance does not explain investor behavior very well. The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of behavioral biases on the investment decisions of investors of Pakistan Stock Exchange. In addition, the moderating influence of investment experience investigated in this study. The findings were reported using a sample of 230 individual investors, who make their own investments, typically through a mutual fund, bank, or internet broker. They make investments to achieve their unique investment objectives, such as saving for retirement, a child’s education, or increasing their overall wealth. The influence of behavioral biases on investment decisions was calculated using regression analysis. Regression results show that beta and t-values are significant and have a significant impact on investment decisions. Regression findings show that Confirmation Bias, Gamblers Fallacy Bias, Negativity Bias, Bandwagon Effect Bias, Loss Aversion Bias, and Overconfidence Bias all have a substantial impact on Investment Decisions. Status quo prejudice and endowment bias have a favorable but minor influence on Investment Decisions. Investment Experience is regarded as an essential component that contributes to successful decision making under risk and uncertainty, however the results of this study show that moderating variables have a minor influence. According to the findings, the moderating variable had no effect on the connection between behavioral biases and investment decisions. And the reason for this is that behavioral biases persist regardless of investing experience.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)G41, G23, G11, H54
- Figure 1. Theoretical framework
- Table 1. Descriptive statistics for the investment decision model
- Table 2. Correlational statistics for the investment decision model
- Table 3. Regression analysis (N = 230)
- Table 4. Hypothesis testing results
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Saima Aziz, Shahid Mehmood, Anita Tangl
Data curation
Saima Aziz, Shahid Mehmood
Writing – original draft
Saima Aziz, Shahid Mehmood, Muhammad Asif Khan, Anita Tangl
Writing – review & editing
Saima Aziz, Muhammad Asif Khan, Anita Tangl
Formal Analysis
Muhammad Asif Khan
Muhammad Asif Khan
Muhammad Asif Khan, Anita Tangl
Muhammad Asif Khan
Funding acquisition
Anita Tangl
Anita Tangl
Empirical evidence on the impact of recent Korean tax reforms
Namryoung Lee , Charles Swenson doi: Management and Financial Innovations Volume 15, 2018 Issue #4 pp. 35-47 Views: 1837 Downloads: 233 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯIn 2011, Korea required all firms to report all value added tax (VAT) invoices electronically to tax authorities. This unique law provided a natural experiment to examine the effects of this disclosure on income taxes and firms’ related responses. The authors find that this additional required disclosure caused firms to become less aggressive on their income taxes, and that they were unable to pass increased tax burdens forward to consumers or backward to suppliers and labor. To maintain, profitability firms cut research and development (R&D) costs, and this cost cutting was larger for tax aggressive firms. Policy implications of this unintended result are discussed.
Dynamics in futures and spot markets: A panel study of advanced and emerging economies of Asia
Investment Management and Financial Innovations Volume 19, 2022 Issue #1 pp. 64-76 Views: 756 Downloads: 293 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯThe study explores the underpinning interlinkages in the spot and futures markets across nine Asian advanced and emerging economies, and examines whether development status has any impact on the nature and speed of adjustments in the information transmission. By applying Panel VECM to the data set from the very day futures trading was initiated on the respective exchange till February 2020, the results highlight that in the long run, over the entire period, the futures market adjusts 69.7% more than the spot market and there is a bidirectional causality in the short run. Even in the sub-periods, the same phenomena were observed, and in the short run, there was a unidirectional causality from futures to spot during the crisis period. An identical trend was observed for country groups in three sub-periods. However, in the short run, during the crisis period, a unidirectional causality from futures to spot was found in advanced economies, while the opposite pattern was found in emerging economies. The paper establishes that the spot market dominates the information dissemination process. The results also demonstrate that traders prefer liquidity over leverage as their trading venue, the existence of potential index arbitrage opportunities, and validate that development status has no impact on the information transmission pattern amongst the markets, except during turbulent times. The study offers insights to market participants to develop their specific trading strategies in these markets at various economic stages, thereby increasing their expected returns.
Does behavioral biases matter in SMEs' borrowing decisions? Insights from Morocco
Khalid Ayad, Anass Touil
, Nabil El Hamidi
, Khaoula Dobli Bennani doi:
Banks and Bank Systems Volume 19, 2024 Issue #1 pp. 170-182 Views: 352 Downloads: 108 TO CITE АНОТАЦІЯBank financing decisions by small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are crucial to their growth and survival, particularly in emerging economies such as Morocco. This study aims to assess the impact of behavioral biases on these decisions, an area little explored in the existing financial literature. The main objective is to analyze how behavioral biases such as overconfidence, risk aversion, confirmation bias, anchoring, and managerial myopia biases influence bank financing decisions of Moroccan SMEs. The approach adopted is quantitative and uses robust least squares regression to analyze data collected from 167 Moroccan SMEs. The results reveal that overconfidence and anchoring have a significant positive impact on the propensity to take out bank loans, while risk aversion and confirmation bias have a negative effect. Managerial myopia had no significant influence. Control variables such as past financial performance, the length of the banking relationship, and lower risk also positively influence the financing decision.