Reengineering support for competitive advantage through organizational basis, information and communication technology: a literature review
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #3, pp. 464-476
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This research is intended to collect and investigate the previous research that is related to reengineering with Business Process Reengineering (BPR) in manufacturing industry to achieve a “competitive advantage”. The purpose of this study is to provide a general overview of the relationship between BPR variables, competitive advantage variables, organizational commitment variables, organizational change management variables, information and communication technology variables, which are supported by IDEF0 method.
This research overall uses secondary data sources from a research published in a journal and proceeding for the variables of BPR, competitive advantage, organizational commitment, organizational change management, information and communication technology, which is supported by IDEF0 method.
This study is limited to the existing research subject that was in online media and the specific purpose is to review a progress in the BPR, which is mainly based on organization, information technology and engineering. The previous researches concluded that there were influencing variables toward BPR, which is related to competitive advantage.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M15, M21
- Figure 1. Building blocks in the IDEF0 model
- Figure 2. Decomposition in IDEF0
- Figure 3. Organizational commitment relationship toward business process reengineering
- Figure 4. Organizational commitment relationship toward competitive advantage
- Figure 5. Organizational change management relationship toward business process reengineering
- Figure 6. Organizational change management relationship toward competitive advantage
- Figure 7. The information and communication technology relationship toward business process reengineering
- Figure 8. The information and communication technology relationship toward competitive advantage
- Figure 9. Business process reengineering relationship toward competitive advantage
- Figure 10. Paradigm model
- Table 1. The research of all variables
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