Professional development in the field of human resource management of heads and specialists of the innovative organizations
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #1, pp. 214-223
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The relevance of the studied problem is caused by the necessity of professional development in the field of human resource management of heads and specialists of the innovative organizations in a modern economic situation. In the article, the results of the conducted research of a personnel management system are given in the organizations of the Russian Federation (Voronezh region), and the necessity of creation of professional development system is proved in the field of human resource management of heads and specialists of the innovative organizations. The leading approaches to the research of this issue are the analysis and methodological justification of the psychological and pedagogical conditions which are necessary to realize the system of professional development in the field of human resource management of experts and heads of the innovative organizations. The implemented analysis defined the low level of competence of heads in the field of human resource management of most researched organizations. Professional development in the field of human resource management does not correspond to modern social and economic development conditions. To eliminate this problem the authors suggested theoretical and methodological basic concepts to establish the system of professional development in the field of human resource management of heads and specialists of the innovative organizations.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)J44, O15
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