Political economy of modern strategic management
Article InfoVolume 12 2022, Issue #1, pp. 41-49
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The article explores the actual problem of the development of a new architectonics of the world economy and the world community, the problem of theoretical, methodological, paradigmatic changes in the system of managing these processes at the micro and macro levels. The aim of the article is a comprehensive study of modern strategic management from the standpoint of the political and economic orientation of its functions, which allows us to redefine the role of strategic management in managing the future of specific objects in a new reality that is born as a result of the rapid integration of artificial intelligence into production and management processes and in resolving contradictions of object management on the platform of the globalized digital economy. The use of philosophical, institutional, systemic, civilization, and interdisciplinary approaches to the analysis of the socio-economic nature of modern strategic management and its functions made it possible to outline and define their pluralistic, polysystemic essence and role, to substantiate the possibility of recognizing a new direction in the modern political economy of management. The article accumulates a system of arguments in favor of such a scientific position.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D29, J29, J42
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