Monitoring the factors influencing the efficiency of agricultural enterprises’ working capital of Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 15 2017, Issue #4, pp. 161-167
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The efficiency of working capital management is one of the most important activities of any company, because it influences on the continuity of production and sales, the liquidity of the company, its solvency and profitability. To identify the factors influencing on the efficiency of working capital management of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises, systemic approach, analysis and synthesis, evaluation of dynamics structure, factor analysis were used. Profitability is the indicator of the efficiency of current assets. The authors used a modified Dupont model to determine the factors influencing the efficiency of current assets of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises. There was assessed the impact of these factors on the profitability of current assets and the stability of economic growth of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in the period 2013–2015. The most influential factors of efficiency of current assets of agricultural enterprises were developed. The impact of selected factors on the stability of economic growth of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises was assessed.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D24, G31, Q14
- Figure 1. The structural and logical model of influence factors on the rate of return of current assets
- Тable 1. Statistical data of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises used to calculate the impact of factors on the profitability of current assets
- Тable 2. The factor analysis of stability of economic growth of Ukrainian agricultural enterprises in the period 2013–2015, mln. UAH
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