Methodological support for intellectual capital strategic management of the research organization
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #1, pp. 292-308
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Making intellectual capital the strategic resource of an innovation-oriented organization under post-industrial economy formation requires improving the decision-making quality while choosing its development strategies. To a large extent, the effectiveness of strategic intellectual capital management depends on its methodological principles development, which determines the relevance of the subject chosen.
The purpose of the article is to form a methodical tool for substantiating the strategies of intellectual capital development in a research organization based on multi-criteria analysis.
As a methodological platform, the following methods for conducting research were chosen: an aggregated structural approach, in particular, the method of audit-evaluation by Brooking, to evaluate intellectual capital; SWOT analysis – to determine the strategic position of the company regarding its intellectual capital. To confirm the expert opinions consistency within the empirical studies framework, the concordance coefficient, estimated on the Pearson criterion, was calculated. The key to research is the multi-criteria analysis (SAW, TOPSIS, COPRAS) methods for evaluating, ranking and selecting strategic alternatives for the intellectual capital development of the research company.
Thus, the article takes a new view of using the scenario approach to the formation of an intellectual capital strategy. The strategy development stages are outlined, and the peculiarities of their methodological support are determined. In particular, the necessity to include into the test program for intellectual capital the estimation of its management efficiency is proved. The authors present an example of adapting SAW, TOPSIS, COPRAS methods for the evaluation and ranking of strategic alternatives to human, structural and market capital development.
Consequently, the results allowed to mathematically formalize the rating task and to form the optimal strategies portfolio of human, structural, market capital of organization, as well as to combine factors of the internal and external environment. Thus, the suggested methodological approach can be used by the heads of research organizations to develop and substantiate strategic management decisions to optimize their intellectual capital development.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)C44, D81, I23, O34
- Table 1. Results of the criteria ranking for choosing strategic direction for the research organization development
- Table 2. Output data (decision matrix) on ranking strategies for human capital development using the SAW method
- Table 3. Normalized decision matrix
- Table 4. Weighted normalized decision matrix
- Table 5. Ranking alternative strategies for human capital development
- Table 6. Output data (decision matrix) on ranking the strategies for structural capital development by the TOPSIS method
- Table 7. Normalized decision matrix
- Table 8. Weighted normalized decision matrix
- Table 9. Ideal positive and ideal negative matrix solution (artificial alternatives)
- Table 10. Ranking of alternative strategies for the structural capital development of the organization
- Table 11. Output data (decision matrix) on ranking the strategies for market capital development by the COPRAS method
- Table 12. Normalized decision matrix
- Table 13. Weighted normalized decision matrix
- Table 14. Ranking of alternative strategies for market capital development
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