Management mechanism of agrarian economic system: composition, functions and factors of development in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 16 2018, Issue #2, pp. 179-189
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The current state of development of Ukraine’s national economy involves strengthening the processes of transition to social market economy, aimed at accelerating the rates of economic growth of the country. The presence of peculiarities of activity of agrarian producers and increase of the socioeconomic importance of the agrarian sector of the economy contribute to the need to develop and substantiate the methodological conditions aimed at solving multidimensional and diverse problems of ensuring the development of agrarian economic systems. In the work, the directions of the formation of the mechanism of management of agrarian economic systems, which consist in the transition to a new quality level of the use of information and intellectual resources of the management system on the basis of modern information technologies and modeling, which allowed to develop a structural scheme of the mechanism of management of the agrarian sector of the economy. The understanding of the mechanism of management of agrarian economic systems, factors and functions of this mechanism are determined. The mechanism of management of agrarian economic systems should be considered as a system of principles, rules, norms and procedures, within the framework of which the goals and objectives of the agrarian economy are developed in accordance with the current economic laws. This mechanism should be in line with the ownership of the subjects of state domination of the region, organizational structures of management, market social and economic relations, natural conditions of economic activity and state economic policy concerning the development of agrarian production, etc., and also take into account the main economic relationships that exist between the individual structural components of the agrarian economic system.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O13, Q19
- Figure 1. Volume of gross agricultural production (in comparable prices in 2012, UAH billion) in Ukraine
- Figure 2. Labor productivity in the agrarian sector of Ukraine
- Figure 3. The structure of the agrarian economic systems management
- Figure 4. Factors of management mechanism of the agrarian economic systems
- Figure 5. Functions of the management mechanism of the agrarian economic systems
- Figure 6. The methodology of the development of the agrarian economic system
- Figure 7. The structural diagram of the management mechanism of the agrarian economic system
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