Key energy indicators for sustainable development goals in Ukraine
Article InfoVolume 20 2022, Issue #1, pp. 379-395
- Cited by
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Transforming the energy sector to provide universal access to reliable and modern energy services is an essential task for Ukraine, one of the Eastern Partnership countries with heavy energy dependence. It will help accelerate the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals. The paper is devoted to studying Ukraine’s readiness to generate sustainable energy compared to the EU and other Eastern Partnership countries and the development of an information base for monitoring the achievement of SDG7.
The data from the World Energy Council (WEC), the International Energy Agency (IEA), and the State Statistics Service of Ukraine are analyzed. Thus, the study proposed to expand the list of national monitoring indicators that more fully reflect the social, economic, and environmental results of SDG7 “Affordable and clean energy” in Ukraine. The development of an information monitoring base expands the opportunities to assess the availability, sustainability, and balance of national energy policy in green economic transformation. Furthermore, the indicators of energy intensity, carbon intensity, as well as access to sustainable energy for the population and business are emphasized. The findings are aimed to raise the level of awareness of government agencies and make balanced decisions to accelerate the achievement of SDG7 in Ukraine.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O10, Q01, Q40, Q58
- Figure 1. Energy Trilemma Index of the EU and Eastern Partnership countries
- Figure 2. Maximum share of imported primary energy in Ukraine, %
- Figure 3. Power generation by source in Ukraine in 1990 and 2020, %
- Figure 4. Total final energy consumption by sector in the world, European Union-2 8 and Ukraine in 1990–2019, TJ
- Figure 5. Share of total final energy consumption by sector in Ukraine in 1990–2019, %
- Figure 6. Total energy supply by GDP (PPP) (1990–2019)
- Figure 7. Total energy supply (TES) per capita (1990–2019)
- Figure 8. Total CO2 emissions, 1990–2020
- Figure 9. Carbon intensity in the world, European Union, and the countries of the EU’s Eastern Partnership, 1990–2020
- Figure 10. CO2 intensity of energy mix (CO2/TES), 1990–2019
- Table 1. Share of renewables, low-carbon sources, and fossil fuels in power generation, %
- Table 2. CO2 emissions by sector, %
- Table 3. Main indicators that are used and can be used in Ukraine to monitor the achievement of SDG7 “Affordable and Clean Energy”
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