Job satisfaction and organizational commitment in Syrian refugee textile enterprises: A case study from Turkey
Article InfoVolume 21 2023, Issue #4, pp. 13-24
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The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of Syrian refugee entrepreneurs operating in the Turkish textile industry on job satisfaction and organizational commitment of refugee employees. It is foreseen that refugees working informally may become permanent. This image shakes not only the social order but also the economic balance. A significant portion of refugees have a very low education level; also, Turkish society does not welcome them as they create a cheap labor force. Due to poor working conditions, they tend to change their jobs constantly. At this point, refugees’ attitude toward work and organization has been examined. The sample comprised 12 enterprises; 104 blue-collar employees, experts, and managers answered the questionnaires. All of the participants in the study were Syrian refugees. The results concluded that while there is a positive relationship between affective and normative organizational commitment and the perception of abstract talent management practice, there is a negative and weak relationship between continuance commitment with a strength of –0.169. The perception of tangible talent management practice is positively related to internal and external job satisfaction and negatively related to continuance commitment with a power of –0.157. Accordingly, Syrian refugees with a talent management perspective believe talented employees should be in their jobs to achieve their goals. Job satisfaction partially mediates between the abstract perception of talent management practices and organizational commitment.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)O15, M12, J24, J28
- Figure 1. The procedure of the data collection
- Table 1. Factor analysis of talent management practices perception scale
- Table 2. KMO and Barlett’s sphericity test results for the job satisfaction scale
- Table 3. KMO and Barlett’s test results of the organizational commitment scale
- Table 4. Demographics of the participants
- Table 5. Factor analysis results of the talent management practices perception scale
- Table 6. Factor analysis results of the job satisfaction scale
- Table 7. Factor analysis results of the organizational commitment scale
- Table 8. Correlation values of perception of job satisfaction, talent management practices, and commitment to the organization
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