Inbound marketing strategy on social media and the generation of experiences in fast food consumers
Article InfoVolume 19 2023, Issue #2, pp. 143-154
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Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
Digital media has allowed restaurants to maintain their sales, positioning, and better relationships with consumers in adverse situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. This study seeks to determine the relationship between social networks as an inbound marketing tool and the generation of digital experiences in consumers of fast-food restaurants. This is a quantitative, correlational, and non-experimental analysis. The sample includes the most popular fast-food restaurants in Peru (Norky’s, Roky’s, and Kentucky Fried Chicken) that demonstrate significant presence in social networks and possess potential characteristics to provide customers with a positive experience. One hundred one respondents between 18 and 35 years of age, residents of Lima (Peru), and frequent consumers of fast food establishments were surveyed via Google Forms. The results were tabulated in MS Excel and the quantitative data analysis was performed with the IBM SPSS tool; descriptive and inferential statistics were applied and the correlation was obtained through Spearman’s coefficient. The findings highlighted that 61.39% of the respondents agree that the social network experiences of the restaurants influence their expectations; 47.5% react with likes and comments to the publications, and 63.4% recommend the restaurants thanks to the constant dissemination of their content. Finally, a significance level of less than 0.05 was obtained between the variables, demonstrating that one variable has a relationship with the other. The study concludes a moderate direct relationship between social networks as an inbound marketing strategy and the generation of digital experiences in the study group.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)M30, M31, M37
- Figure 1. Influence of previous experiences presented in social networks of fast food restaurants on my expectations
- Figure 2. Participation in the publications made by the restaurants
- Table 1. Respondent profile (gender and age)
- Table 2. Respondent profile (gender and district of residence)
- Table 3. Respondents who reply with likes and comments to the content posted
- Table 4. Respondents who spend time reading a blog post and react favorably to it
- Table 5. Respondents who recommend the restaurants studied thanks to the dissemination of the contents
- Table 6. Respondents who have favorable expectations after viewing publications from restaurants
- Table 7. Respondents who are influenced in their purchase by interactions and recommendations
- Table 8. Number of people who obtain information about the restaurants studied through their social networks
- Table 9. Relationship between social media as an inbound strategy and experiential marketing
- Table 10. Relationship between social networks and experiential marketing
- Table 11. Relationship between blog services and experiential marketing among restaurant consumers in Lima
- Table 12. Relationship between recommended content and experiential marketing
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