Formation of Lithuanian manufacturing industry clustering economic preconditions
Article InfoVolume 18 2020, Issue #2, pp. 140-153
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The main Lithuanian manufacturing industry clustering preconditions are related to productivity, innovation, and export development. In this research paper, it was found that the strength of cooperative relationships among cluster members, more favorable opportunities to access, and use of infrastructure of business and professional human resources are the major factors to form the preconditions chosen for developing a research model. Four hypotheses have been formulated, which aim to confirm or deny the formation of clustering economic preconditions for productivity, innovation, and export development. Along with the exploratory study, the arisen hypotheses verified that improvement of infrastructure of business and professional human resources and easier access to it for companies have a positive impact on export development. Two other factors – the strength of cooperative relationships and the infrastructure of human resources – are not significant. Cooperation and partnership processes remain undeveloped, as high-quality and full-value formation of the economic preconditions for productivity, innovation, and export development is not ensured properly.
- Keywords
JEL Classification (Paper profile tab)D24, O12, O14
- Table 1. Correlations between the derivative variables
- Table 2. The impact of cooperative relationships and the infrastructure of business and human resources on company’s performance and productivity factors
- Table 3. The impact of cooperative relationships, infrastructure of business and human resources on innovation
- Table 4. The impact of cooperative relationships, infrastructure of business and human resources on export development
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