Formation of competitive development strategy key performance indicators’ system for consulting companies

  • Received April 25, 2020;
    Accepted July 2, 2020;
    Published July 31, 2020
  • Author(s)
  • DOI
  • Article Info
    Volume 18 2020, Issue #1, pp. 53-60
  • Cited by
    1 articles

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The information on the main stages of key performance indicators selection and formation for the process of estimating the competitive development strategy effectiveness of consulting companies is analyzed, the types of indicators, their differences are examined, the existing views and recommendations of researchers and experts on the expediency of using certain indicators directly by consulting companies are generalized. Various areas of consulting are described and it is suggested to take into account the specifics of the consulting business when selecting relevant performance indicators of their competitive strategies. Comprehensive and relentless globalization has made the protection of company’s intellectual capital one of the key factors in the success of enterprise development. As the main asset of any consulting company are people and their intellectual potential, competition in this area has become quite strong and fierce. Since the main asset of the consulting company is people and their intellectual potential, the competition in this field is very strong and fierce. Thus, the predominance of intellectual work requires specific accounting for the assets of consulting companies and an assessment of the efficiency of use of these assets in accordance with the developed strategy. Given the fact that, by their content, performance indicators should assist managers and business owners in making decisions about evaluating the effectiveness of their chosen process or the performance of a particular system in the enterprise, evaluating the effectiveness of business development as a whole, the possibility of using a certain range of indicators to evaluate consulting company’s strategies effectiveness was considered. In particular, the results of the analysis of the main goals and objectives set in the development of a competitive consulting company’s development strategy suggested the use of groups of indicators (both financial and non-financial) to evaluate the effectiveness of the enterprise competitive strategy, enterprise development strategy or directly to evaluate the competitive development strategy of consulting companies. In addition, the emphasis is placed on determining the optimal number of indicators of the consulting company’s development strategy and analysis of data of different size and geography of business of consulting companies.

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    • Figure 1. Групи показників ефективності конкурентної стратегії розвитку
    • Table 1. Перелік показників для визначення ефективності консалтингових компаній
    • Table 2. Додаткові характеристики показників ефективності консалтингових компаній
    • Conceptualization
      Inna Gruzina, Maryna Poliukhovych
    • Data curation
      Inna Gruzina
    • Formal Analysis
      Inna Gruzina, Maryna Poliukhovych
    • Investigation
      Inna Gruzina, Maryna Poliukhovych
    • Methodology
      Inna Gruzina
    • Project administration
      Inna Gruzina, Maryna Poliukhovych
    • Supervision
      Inna Gruzina
    • Validation
      Inna Gruzina
    • Writing – review & editing
      Inna Gruzina
    • Visualization
      Maryna Poliukhovych
    • Writing – original draft
      Maryna Poliukhovych